I'm pretty sure your profile auto updates, but if you're using heromodpack (aka liteloader) it won't, you'll need to delete your .minecraft folder and update it that way.
and here's a way to get heromodpack to 1.6.4 by Dreadniah (im too lazy to quote)
temporary 1.6.4 instructions
Step 1 -
Download this folder of all the mods and crap I put together, this has everything except minecraft.exe
Step 2 - If you don't know how to manage the profiles, just delete your .minecraft folder and rerun minecraft, log in and get to the menu then exit
Step 3 - Install forge using minecraftforge-installer
Step 4 - Run Liteloader-installer, MAKE SURE TO "CHAIN TO FORGE"
Step 5 - Move the "mods" folder into your .minecraft folder (includes rei's minimap, macromod, optifine, tabbychat, statuseffect/armorstatus gui)
Step 6 - Run minecraft and use the LiteLoader profile
As always, HeroMod itself (mana bar, party frames) isn't updated
I've tested this and it works for me, feel free to post questions
Hope this helps