[align=center]» Ultimate Mod Pack «[/align]
This pack contains all the client-side mods that are approved and recommended to use when playing Herocraft. All credits go to the mod creators. Read below for the complete list!
[align=center] [/align]
[align=center]download the ULTIMATE MOD PACK[/align]
1) delete the folders C:\UMP and C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\wd1966\, including their contents
2) install UMP on a clean minecraft.jar file
3) DOWNLOAD THIS, place it on your desktop then send the command ~script D:run when in-game to kickstart Improved Chat extensions:
in-game commands will appear in red for added security
everything you type will show up in the correct chat channel colors
R -> autoreplay to the last person who messaged you
NUMPAD7 -> join Off Topic
NUMPAD8 -> join Elite
NUMPAD9 -> /home
NUMPAD4 -> join Help
NUMPAD5 -> join Local
NUMPAD6 -> /spawn
NUMPAD1 -> join Trade
NUMPAD2 -> /ch who
NUMPAD3 -> /who
[align=center]» getting a black screen after installing UMP? «[/align]
1) delete the file minecraft.jar from C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\
2) delete the file version from C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\
3) start Minecraft.exe and login to download all original files (don't use the webclient!)
4) exit Minecraft
4a) force-quit Java if it's running in the background (press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, click the Processes tab, click on Image Name at the top, look for the entry javaw.exe then highlight it and select End Process)
5) install UMP (don't install anything else at this point!!!)
6) start Minecraft.exe (don't use the webclient!) and see if everything works
[align=center]» mods included in UMP «[/align]
[align=center]Minimap by Zaneris and Lahwran[/align][align=center]additional credits go to Zaneris for the idea behind the auto-installer[/align]
MMO-style minimap in the top right that shows terrain, waypoints and coordinates featuring an in-game menu that lets you set a number of options, assign colors to your waypoints and zoom in or out.
Shortcut keys can be rebound by opening the following settings with a basic text editor: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\zan.settings
Block colors can also be changed by editing the hexadecimal data under: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\colours.txt
video from Zan, showing off features
[align=center]UI Fixed Scaling by Advize and GenuineSounds[/align]
Disables UI scaling to keep it the same size no matter what resolution you are running. Also makes the chat box and font a lot smaller so it doesn't obstruct the gameplay area.
[align=center]Improved Chat and Chat Logger by wd1966[/align]
first picture: Press R then type in your answer right after someone messaged you via /msg to take advantage of the quickreply feature!
second picture: Do you sometimes send messages via the wrong chat channel? Well, not anymore! Anything you type from now on will show up in the correct channel color!
Overhauls in-game chat box mechanics and adds tons of powerful features:
• tabs! - command is ~tab new <tabname> ctrl-tab and ctrl-shift-tab to cycle through tabs, ~tab blink on to make tabs blink when a new message arrives
• movable cursor - move through typed text with left and right arrow (if you hold CTRL you'll skip words)
• copy and paste - use CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste text
• browse previous commands - use UP and DOWN arrow keys to recall messages and commants sent in the past
• scroll chat history - using PageUp, PageDown or mouse-wheel allows you to scroll through the chat history
• bind text(commands) to keys - use the command ~bind key text
This simply binds a line of text to a button, so when you press that button you will send that line to server. For example ~bind numpad6 /ch t will make you join the trade channel whenever you press 6 on your numeric keyboard.
If last character in line is \ then text will appear in chat box so you can edit it. For example ~bind p /ch t \ will open the chat box with the characters /ch t already typed in whenever you hit p on your keyboard, so you can chat in trade without leaving your current channel.
• type ~list bind to list all existing key bindings
• type ~delete bind KEY to delete the key binding for the KEY button
• chat logging - the log is saved under C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\wd1966\ with timestamps.
• built-in command list: ~help
[align=center]Convenient Inventory by Evenprime[/align]
Fast Transfer: move items between containers and the player's inventory with only one click
SHIFT+click on an item to move the whole stack
ALT+click on an item tt move all stacks of the same type
CTRL+click on an item to move one block
Fast Crafting: craft a full stack of items and automatically move it into your inventory
ALT+click on the crafting area
Sorting: automatically sort the contents of your chests/dispensers/inventory
mouse middle-click to sort blocks by their ID code!
[align=center]ModLoader by Risugami[/align]
Doesn't have any in-game use but Zan's minimap needs it in order to run.
This pack contains all the client-side mods that are approved and recommended to use when playing Herocraft. All credits go to the mod creators. Read below for the complete list!
[align=center] [/align]
[align=center]download the ULTIMATE MOD PACK[/align]
1) delete the folders C:\UMP and C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\wd1966\, including their contents
2) install UMP on a clean minecraft.jar file
3) DOWNLOAD THIS, place it on your desktop then send the command ~script D:run when in-game to kickstart Improved Chat extensions:
in-game commands will appear in red for added security
everything you type will show up in the correct chat channel colors
R -> autoreplay to the last person who messaged you
NUMPAD7 -> join Off Topic
NUMPAD8 -> join Elite
NUMPAD9 -> /home
NUMPAD4 -> join Help
NUMPAD5 -> join Local
NUMPAD6 -> /spawn
NUMPAD1 -> join Trade
NUMPAD2 -> /ch who
NUMPAD3 -> /who
[align=center]» getting a black screen after installing UMP? «[/align]
1) delete the file minecraft.jar from C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\
2) delete the file version from C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\
3) start Minecraft.exe and login to download all original files (don't use the webclient!)
4) exit Minecraft
4a) force-quit Java if it's running in the background (press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, click the Processes tab, click on Image Name at the top, look for the entry javaw.exe then highlight it and select End Process)
5) install UMP (don't install anything else at this point!!!)
6) start Minecraft.exe (don't use the webclient!) and see if everything works
[align=center]» mods included in UMP «[/align]
[align=center]Minimap by Zaneris and Lahwran[/align][align=center]additional credits go to Zaneris for the idea behind the auto-installer[/align]
MMO-style minimap in the top right that shows terrain, waypoints and coordinates featuring an in-game menu that lets you set a number of options, assign colors to your waypoints and zoom in or out.
Shortcut keys can be rebound by opening the following settings with a basic text editor: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\zan.settings
Block colors can also be changed by editing the hexadecimal data under: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\colours.txt
video from Zan, showing off features
[align=center]UI Fixed Scaling by Advize and GenuineSounds[/align]
Disables UI scaling to keep it the same size no matter what resolution you are running. Also makes the chat box and font a lot smaller so it doesn't obstruct the gameplay area.
[align=center]Improved Chat and Chat Logger by wd1966[/align]
first picture: Press R then type in your answer right after someone messaged you via /msg to take advantage of the quickreply feature!
second picture: Do you sometimes send messages via the wrong chat channel? Well, not anymore! Anything you type from now on will show up in the correct channel color!
Overhauls in-game chat box mechanics and adds tons of powerful features:
• tabs! - command is ~tab new <tabname> ctrl-tab and ctrl-shift-tab to cycle through tabs, ~tab blink on to make tabs blink when a new message arrives
• movable cursor - move through typed text with left and right arrow (if you hold CTRL you'll skip words)
• copy and paste - use CTRL+C and CTRL+V to copy and paste text
• browse previous commands - use UP and DOWN arrow keys to recall messages and commants sent in the past
• scroll chat history - using PageUp, PageDown or mouse-wheel allows you to scroll through the chat history
• bind text(commands) to keys - use the command ~bind key text
This simply binds a line of text to a button, so when you press that button you will send that line to server. For example ~bind numpad6 /ch t will make you join the trade channel whenever you press 6 on your numeric keyboard.
If last character in line is \ then text will appear in chat box so you can edit it. For example ~bind p /ch t \ will open the chat box with the characters /ch t already typed in whenever you hit p on your keyboard, so you can chat in trade without leaving your current channel.
• type ~list bind to list all existing key bindings
• type ~delete bind KEY to delete the key binding for the KEY button
• chat logging - the log is saved under C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods\wd1966\ with timestamps.
• built-in command list: ~help
[align=center]Convenient Inventory by Evenprime[/align]
Fast Transfer: move items between containers and the player's inventory with only one click
SHIFT+click on an item to move the whole stack
ALT+click on an item tt move all stacks of the same type
CTRL+click on an item to move one block
Fast Crafting: craft a full stack of items and automatically move it into your inventory
ALT+click on the crafting area
Sorting: automatically sort the contents of your chests/dispensers/inventory
mouse middle-click to sort blocks by their ID code!
[align=center]ModLoader by Risugami[/align]
Doesn't have any in-game use but Zan's minimap needs it in order to run.