So the map will be expanded in 1.7 to 5000 blocks. I think that the map would be cool, if for the last 500 blocks or so, it were generated as AMPLIFIED. AMPLIFIED looks beautiful in my opinion, and would fit well with many other RPG games when it comes to map borders. in other RPG games, there are usually high, unclimbable mountains, or an ocean, or some other impediment preventing the player(s) from getting out. also, it would look pretty cool on the dynamic map seeing that we're in a giant "crater" bowl thing, and might fit the name "haven" more. This could be accomplished by increasing the map to 4300 or so on the first day of the update, and with all the people running around exploring, the world would be fully generated to around 4500 or something after about a week, and then expand to the full 5000.