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Suggestion Map 6 Ideas


Oct 29, 2011
I know the next map isn't coming anytime soon but I thought why not come up with some ideas for the next map or Map 6 as I like to call it. One of my ideas is that we should use an old map for the next map. But here's the twist, the old map with have some updates to make it more fresh. I think a good map to use for the next map is Sanctum, since many of us never played on Sanctum and it's not as fresh in people's minds as it used to be. If we did use Sanctum, then the next map could be called New Sanctum. So if you guys were to use this map for next map, here's some changes I thought of:
1. Make the Spawn Bigger!
I actually did see Sanctum briefly back in the Nexus in the Zeal era and I remember how small Sanctum's spawn was. Which isn't a bad thing, I just think we would need a bigger spawn for a bigger population. So we would expand on the old spawn of Sanctum by making plot areas and shop areas around the old Sanctum spawn. We would also just add various other touches to make it more fresh like adding new secret areas and all that good stuff.
2. New Underground
Let's face it, every map that grows old with age also gets depleted in ores and other resources. So to make this map more sustainable, you guys could regenerate and fill the old underground areas of Sanctum.
3. Make Old towns avaliable for Purchase
I think this idea would make things interesting. Now these towns would be not cheap and would have different costs depending on size, safety and avaliable resources. I think this would be good because it would make Herocraft more interesting and this could create some interesting conflicts.
4. Change the Surface a little
This would also make the map more fresh. All you would need to do for this is to add some different types of trees and other plants in appropriate areas.

Well that's some of the Ideas I had. I hope you all like them! Also please comment and give me feedback on my ideas! Thanks.:)
Jul 1, 2012
I have no idea what this map sanctum is like, but your ideas such as refill resources and making old towns available for repurchase really sounds good!