
We're the Manic Monkey Mafia; we don't take shit from no one.
Lore : We came from a distant jungle. A species of homosexual, maniacal monkeys were bread in a freak accident when a few witch doctors were trying to find a cure for aids. Of course, they used the ape species we know as orangutan. Clearly these apes weren't smart enough to understand they're not exactly monkeys, but they were, however, smart enough to learn to speak. It's a rough, almost illegible, incomprehensible, speak, but they spoke none-the-less. When they finally developed a language for themselves (Derivative of English) they started to work as a group, acquiring other "monkey members" to their new and improved Mafia. The alpha ape of this stinky little group was known as Graink, which in their language translates to "Gay Lord". He was the master lord of all apes.
Strangely enough, the cellular structure of the apes were transfused with the medicines they were testing on these orangutans. Even more strangely, it evolved them all to have homosexual desires, and they developed a third organ which allowed them to reproduce both asexually, and homo sexually. This caused the female population to slowly die off, making them extremely rare and endangered. At the end of the day, they built a temple. They called it the Sycamorium Gravkoc. No one quite knows what it means, but it sure is mysterious. Their species, and their nature is still a marvel to the world of Herocraft; who knows what kind of shenanigans they'll be up to next.
Goals : Take the bananas.
Help the economy grow; from our point of view.
Set up a Headquarters.
Induct new members to our gay marriage.
Rules : Wear the Monkey skin. -Message @Griank
Higher ranked Monkeys are allowed to bully the lower ranked. It's like an initiation. If the bully goes too far, the ranked monkey can be demoted, but in specific cases, the victim might deserve it.
Stray away from friendly fire killings. Friendly fire is always friendly, but try not to take them to their grave. We're low on monkeys, and we'd like to keep a positive attitude.
Listen to your elders. Sometimes it's smarter to shut up and listen than to spur out ideas, even if they're smarter than the original plan. Of course, this rule only applies in time restricted circumstances. Feel free to input ideas if there's no time limit.
Monkey masks are allowed, but they must be suitable. We're a timid species, and we can be scared easily by scary masks!
Headquarters : TBA for 4.0
Members : Graink
Application :
Are you capable of living a full on monkey life?
What level/classes are you currently mastered or involved in?
List previous towns/guilds you've been affiliated with.
What's your medical experience or, what level of education have you completed IRL?
Have you spoken to any of the current monkey masters? Who?
If you had to write a life biography in 3 lines, would you do it?
Are you willing to help reproduce, and populate the monkey family?
Finally, what are you motives for application to the Monkey Mafia?