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Losing wallet in real life is like dying in minecraft and respawning


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
Hey Heroes! I've got a funny story to tell you. So two weeks ago I walked into 7/11 to get a PSN card (because I don't use my credit card on my PS3, that's just asking to go broke :p) so I could buy Dissidia: Duodecim, (which is awesome btw) and after I got my card, and my energy drink I went up to the counter and showed off my fancy new wallet to my brother and paid for it all.

Then, I must have either looked away, and some shady fellow in 7/11 swiped it, and after noticing it wasn't there I came to the conclusion I already put it in my pocket, OR I was just being dumb and left it there :p

5 minutes later my brother and I goto another store in search for a case of mountain dew, I then realize before going inside that I don't have my wallet, and we drive back to 7/11

After describing my dope new wallet to the store clerk (who was different than the first one) he told me nobody turned in any wallets and that if they did, they would call me on the number I had given them.

Point is, I felt possessionless, like if you had died in minecraft. Imagine you are in single player and you die, far from your spawn, before the 1.4 update (with the beds :p) with a full set of diamond tools, armor, and a few stacks of diamond, gold, iron, obby, wood, a watch, compass, all your torches, spare coal/charcoal, and the like, and had NO CLUE how to get back before it dissipated! That's how it feels :p I lost my college ID, state ID, drivers licence, debit card, costco card, health insurance card, POP ID card, two paychecks, my casino card, and $25 cash. So with my diamond tools gone, I just felt all disappointed all day and tried to move on without it.

Sad story ya?

Fortunately for me, somebody "found" it and returned it to the nearby fire station. They then looked at all my ID cards and called my college, then they called me and I picked it up! All my ID cards, and my debit card + paychecks were all there. Of course the cash was all gone, but I don't really care :p I cancelled my debit card right away, so I ended up getting a new one anyway :p

So just remember if you value your wallet like you do your diamond tools, don't LOSE IT :p


Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 12, 2011
Purses, not wallets, but related:

My brother and I were pulling up at a grocery store a couple years back right as a gal ran by chasing another gal who had just grabbed her purse. Unfortunately we couldn't catch her, but I did sit the victim down with my cell phone and made her call up her banks and her phone provider (cell phone was in purse) to report all of them stolen while we waited for the police.

It took a bit to calm her down and get her straightened out. She was in a panic saying she didn't know phone numbers, card numbers, etc, so had her use 411 to ask for the lost card numbers for each bank, and explained to her they could look her up with other methods (name/address/SS# and such).

While it isn't a wallet, I do give women two big bits of advice on purses based on this and an experience my mother had.

First off, if you're sitting at a table, put the purse under the table. If at all possible, put a leg of your chair through a strap. In the case above, the gal had the purse in the middle of a table she was sitting at. One person distracted her and a friend, the other grabbed it right off the table and ran (barefoot, across a parking lot, jumped a 10' fence into a dry river bed and ran like hell....).

Second, if you're at a grocery store, put the kiddie's seat belt on the grocery cart to use, and clip it through the handles/straps of the purse. My mother saved herself from losing he purse once using this. Again, distraction--one little gal asking her help reaching something on a high shelf, a guy grabbed her purse and RAN--until he realized he had just yanked a full shopping cart right along with the purse. When he realized he wasn't going to get the purse he hauled ass out the door and took off.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
Yikes! People these days!

I myself make it a habit to (yes I'm serious) to grab my ass every 5-10 minutes to make sure I wasn't pickpocketed. It was this habit that made me realize I lost my wallet so quickly, but it was still too late :p Which is only going to make me more paranoid and make me grab my ass more XD


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 13, 2011
Sorry to hear this happened to you. I went through something recently that made me feel the same way. Unfortunately you never know when something can just be taken from you, so you just have to live a little carefully and be appreciative for what you still have and the people you share it with.


Legacy Supporter 5
Feb 12, 2011
Dielan9999 said:
I myself make it a habit to (yes I'm serious) to grab my ass every 5-10 minutes to make sure I wasn't pickpocketed.

I've done that for years, just a subconscious action brushing my thumb across it as I walk, get up, sit down, etc.

When I'm in a dense crowd, like a concert, it goes into my front pocket instead.
Jan 13, 2011
Haha. Sorry for your loss dude.

I stopped carrying my wallet in my back pocket, it's aparrantly the easiest way to have it stolen:


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
I only have 1 card in my wallet and if i lose it, i will call the bank right away :)


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy

EDIT: I remember seeing this topic when it was made... What I thought was "What kind of nut job relates losing their wallet to dying in a video game. Seriously. What the heck, this guy is an idiot."
This was before I knew you Diel. XD

Yet that game I bought with that PSN card I bought that day I still play. haha


Legacy Supporter 6
Jan 14, 2011
Columbus, OH
Oh, I have a great story, one day I was at a 7/11 and saw this guy with this badass wallet forget it on the counter as he walked out of the store, I go and and take a look at it, read the id and stuff, and take it. Later that day i felt bad and decided that the next time I went to 7/11 drop it off. I did get $25 though. Sounds similar to your sto... ow wait >.>


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 24, 2011
I just lost my wallet last week...
All my goddamn deer tags were in there, this is the last year that I get free deer tags from Fish and Game...
My rifle might as well just walk up and piss in my face, I deserve it


Legacy Supporter 2
Sep 5, 2011
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Yikes! People these days!

I myself make it a habit to (yes I'm serious) to grab my ass every 5-10 minutes to make sure I wasn't pickpocketed. It was this habit that made me realize I lost my wallet so quickly, but it was still too late :p Which is only going to make me more paranoid and make me grab my ass more XD
"Why is that guy grabbing his own ass?"
(Woot reply to a zombie thread)