Pringle285 , Welcome to Los Bandidos. I've seen you around and feel you would be a great asset to Los Bandidos.
KittyGotWet and
lhatchy1 , I'd like to discuss kitty's app. privately, I'll send you both a conversation invitation.

Sorry I haven't been on except for crazy hours lately, I've got two midterms soon, one tomorrow and one Friday. I'll be updating the guild thread soon with our new goals and job information. I like to think of it as Los Bandidos Phase II

Lot of new exciting opportunities coming soon! Everyone keep up the good work, keep on leveling. Soon they will be implementing new level change rules ( you can switch classes before you master, and still retain all your xp in that class) This will give is more opportunity to try different raid team compositions and competition team compositions (stay tuned for more info on our new PvP teams

) . I'm glad everyone is on here and active, let's try and be more constructive on this thread though

Feel free to post ideas for raising coin on here. If it's something you think requires secrecy, send me a conversation. I'm all ears and I check forums pretty frequently.
I need to address something that includes everyone, and I'm not targeting anyone with this statement.
When representing Los Bandidos please keep it professional. When you raid with us, use the guild channel, use the guild thread, or use the guild TS I strongly urge you to keep the useless banter, any form of trolling, shouting, and general hating to an absolute minimum. We've become quite large, this isn't a bad thing, but it can become complicated.
I have no issue excusing people from the guild, ANY form of treason or misrepresentation of Los Bandidos can and may result in expulsion. I'll be acquiring another TS channel soon, which will help tremendously. I'll also begin tryouts and recruitment for our two new organized PvP teams (this doesn't mean if you're not on the team you don't get to raid with us, quite the opposite in fact

, more info soon)
I believe I've developed a pretty solid method for contracts and ways to get you guys more opportunities for PvP and coin
Stay tuned!