- Joined
- Apr 28, 2012
- Location
- New Zealand
- Minecraft In-game name: Vareible
- Location & Age: 15, New Zealand.
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): Not a single one
- Referral(s): I was not referred by anyone.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: I remember seeing the modification for Minecraft, after some investigation i found this server and I was keen to join.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Yes, I have
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes I do
- Reason you should be accepted:The reason I want to be accepted is because I have searched for a decent RPG server with a good class system. I haven't had any luck, but that was until I remembered using the mod "Heroes" and that is what lead me to be here.
- Additional Info: Unfortunately I don't tend to take screenshots of other things I have done within Minecraft, but I intend to contribute some pictures if I do get whitelisted. Other than that I am in my 3rd year at WBHS (Westlake Boys High School) and I love to practice Piano in my spare time as well as draw whenever I feel like it.