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Level 50 Lostsoul abilities?

So, what do you think?

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Aug 4, 2011
I know that Lostsouls aren't supposed to be levelled, and that they're not supposed to really get anything even if they're level 50, but I think I've found a reasonable idea, if too OP, could easily be changed (or so I would think).

What I had in mind, that since Lostsouls shouldn't really be offensive OR defensive, they could have some neutral abilites once they reach level 50.
These "neutral abilities" would be passive Safefall, Flameshield, and Gill.
I'm not sure, maybe these might not work out so well, but I thought I'd give it a try and suggest it on here.

Thanks for reading this.
- [Lost]Hyped


Legacy Supporter 4
Jul 16, 2011
Sounds like a pretty neat incentive for mastering Lost Soul. I'm not too sure about those skills being passive though (especially Safefall), it might seem a bit OP but if they're active skills (maybe lowered cooldown) then I would be all for it!


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
I've been saying this sort of thing as soon as I heard about LostSoul. My take on it would be to give them skills that make them better at basic Minecrafty activities. Oh! just had an idea:

BattleSoul-100% mana, long duration, very long cooldown: significantly increases damage output with the wooden sword, significantly increases the effectiveness of leather armor, and deals damage and/or pushes farther with eggs and snowballs.

MineSoul-100% mana, long duration, very long cooldown: effectively enhances tools, allowing the harvesting of higher ores with wooden picks and significantly decreasing the amount of time needed to harvest a block with all wooden tools. Provides flameshield.

TravelSoul-100% mana, long duration, very long cooldown: increases run speed, provides sneak, increases jump height, reduces or eliminates fall damage.

The basic idea here is that LostSoul can switch between certain "modes"- in this example, pvp, mining or gathering materials, or just getting from point A to point B, and should get the most out of their time in a mode because it won't be easy to use again. I'd also make sure the skills can't overlap, in case they restore mana with food or a friendly mage. Or leave it there as a nasty surprise. Another idea are Soul skills based on each path- WarriorSoul/RogueSoul/etc. Please note that the above skill suggestions are very broad strokes and probably overpowered or just generally unbalanced.

Now, sorry about that. Ideas strike like lightning. As for the original suggestion, Those could possibly be classified as defensive skills, as they improve your survivability, and we have a whole path devoted to neutral skills.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jul 16, 2011
The basic idea here is that LostSoul can switch between certain "modes"- in this example, pvp, mining or gathering materials, or just getting from point A to point B, and should get the most out of their time in a mode because it won't be easy to use again. I'd also make sure the skills can't overlap, in case they restore mana with food or a friendly mage. Or leave it there as a nasty surprise. Another idea are Soul skills based on each path- WarriorSoul/RogueSoul/etc. Please note that the above skill suggestions are very broad strokes and probably overpowered or just generally unbalanced.

Very interesting and creative idea! It'd probably make Lost Soul a little TOO tempting though and a bit too powerful but nonetheless, props to you for an awesome suggestion.


Jun 29, 2011
my honest opinion.

I've heard on the off topic channel that the admins never meant the lost soul to be leveled, so why would they give it abilities? why start now? why should they spend time they could be spending trying to get that damned regions coded just to give skills to a path they never meant to be mastered?
Would this be a cool idea for those who want to be master lost souls? yes.
Should the admins spend time on a path they purposefully left blank when they are most likely extremely busy? no.



The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
It wasnt our design to even have the Lost Soul leveled - let alone grant abilities.

We'll consider it, but its not top priority.
Apr 25, 2011
I think if a player is bad*** enough to make it to level 50 lostsoul without any abilities, they're bad*** enough to play without abilities period. Bragging rights should be your only reward.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
my honest opinion.

I've heard on the off topic channel that the admins never meant the lost soul to be leveled, so why would they give it abilities? why start now? why should they spend time they could be spending trying to get that damned regions coded just to give skills to a path they never meant to be mastered?
Would this be a cool idea for those who want to be master lost souls? yes.
Should the admins spend time on a path they purposefully left blank when they are most likely extremely busy? no.

I understand that completely! I never thought it would be a priority, personally. But it would be fun (and isn't that why we're here?) as a light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel thing, as opposed to normal classes that start off useful and continue to be useful.

The thought, thinking back on it, was to have them be extremists- you've spent a very long time as a very useless class, gained very good abilities that make you very good at what you do (even if what you do isn't what you need to be doing) for a very high cost, and yet remain very bad at everything else. And still retain a little flexibility.

It's also my impression that they already have the raw resources for giving such a class it's abilities without terrible trouble anyhow.


Aug 4, 2011
So, if someone was badass enough to become successful after living in poverty, then they should be badass enough to survive getting paid minimum wage, and bragging rights would be their only reward according to you logic.



Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
So, if someone was badass enough to become successful after living in poverty, then they should be badass enough to survive getting paid minimum wage, and bragging rights would be their only reward according to you logic.
Excuse me, sorry, not to be rude, but are you dumb? This isn't economics, this is a video game. Nobody has a reason to try and apply somebody's opinion on the operation of Herocraft to what a person deserves in real life. Especially in such a non-thorough and thoughtless fashion. I respect you as much as I respect the next guy, but this "[Random Subject] according to your logic" crap must quit, wholesale, worldwide. It's illogical, irrelevant, and when examined to any reasonable degree, lends nothing to your argument and paints you, as a person, as ragey and stupid.