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Suggestion Let's allow griefing (hear me out!)

Should griefing becoming legal be looked into on the server?

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Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
I think a lot of you are missing the big picture. I was on a server for over a year and it had stages of both griefing and non-griefing. In both instances, we made it work, and the former wasn't chaos. As I stated earlier, the current system of only allowing a small personal region of 10x10x10 or 14x14x14 or whatever it is now would have to be expanded greatly for this scenario to work properly. You all seem to miss the underlying principle of "don't build what you can't protect."

Yes Mormon, you're right, I am no architect. I can understand how much it would hurt having something you spent months on being destroyed. So again, I lay down the principle of don't build what you can't protect. Perhaps I'm a minimalist, but I would think a couple of good architects would have a heyday if they were given 200x200 of protected land (which I believe is around what a Hamlet is, but I could be well off).

No griefing is all this server has ever known. Naturally most people feel comfortable going that route, and would think allowing griefing would make their experience on Herocraft the exact opposite of what it has been through the years. At this point my goal isn't even to please the masses, because it seems as though you've all made your message clear. However, I ask of you, to try to think outside the box and imagine a scenario where griefing would be allowed, along with other changes which will ensure the server won't turn into chaos.

For a server that is always changing and adapting to new minecraft official updates, it is my belief that allowing griefing in the future would be an improvement.



Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 5, 2011
Puyallup, WA, USA
Nope... Please, no. It is perfectly fine how it is right now, as a matter of fact as some people discussed earlier in game chat, how about we give towns a separate region which would allow only certain people to get in.
Yeah, no to this too. Towns aren't perfect safe havens. Raiding needs to be possible, while keeping region abuse illegal.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 25, 2011
This thread is just flabbergasting. I've played on a server where grieving was legal so they could promote 'joining a guild with region protected area'. It was the most horrible experience in Minecraft I've had. Spending hours on your work, to come back to it and find it all destroyed by some random douche with nothing better to do.

If you want to grief so much then move to Warshard, or move to a server with legal grieving.


Legacy Supporter 8
Sep 11, 2012
If you want to grief so much then move to Warshard, or move to a server with legal grieving.

But... I like this server? And there's a suggestion thread for a reason? I'm not a grief-starved little boy who just wants to destroy everything I see. I'm just making a suggestion that I thought would work well.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jul 10, 2011
Norway, Vardø
But... I like this server? And there's a suggestion thread for a reason? I'm not a grief-starved little boy who just wants to destroy everything I see. I'm just making a suggestion that I thought would work well.
You might not be a "grief-starved little boy who just wants to destroy everything I see" but there is a lot of others who are.

This idea is horrendous. End of story.
Mar 9, 2012
To this I say viva la warshard. I gathered enough gold on my first day on the server to be able to afford an LWC. If you're dedicated enough, and in the right areas, you should be able to sell enough gold to the DHX to be able to afford a personal region, or an LWC chest, in hours.

Besides, who's to say that there still won't be a town or two who accepts new people? People can show their character simply by reading what they write in chat. There's a difference between someone who says "Hey guys, I'm new to the server, can someone show me the ropes?" and "OMG guys what the fuck is going on? Someone give me their coordinates so i can have a sword and some armour or something lolcopter!"
Well, the first day the entire server was filled with gold. Right now with 20 towns, i'd say about 30% of the gold is gone :p


Sage of World Making
Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 16, 2011
Nope! Let's all hope on the FUCK-THAT train to NOPEsville.

No but seriously. I don't know how many times my townships would've failed because griefing would be allowed. It would've been impossible to build anything beautiful out in the wild without getting it griefed to all hell. Honestly, anything that I plan on building would require some materials that people would consider valuable to sell and gain more money. It's like building a city with some lapis blocks and people come by and steal the lapis. With griefing allowed, what're you supposed to do? JUST SIT THERE AND BE PISSED OFF AT THE DECISION TO ALLOW GRIEFING.

So again: Nope! Let's all hope on the FUCK-THAT train to NOPEsville.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jul 10, 2011
Norway, Vardø
Let me give you all an example, do you see any good looking architecture in warshard? Outside of spawn? Because the only thing I see is cobble huts and eye scarring wooden things.


Sep 3, 2012
Griefing should be allowed, but the rule that you have to remove your towers that you used to pillar into an enemy town shouldn't be in place. What happens if your enemy kills you? Are you supposed to walk all the way back to their town to remove a few dirt blocks?


Sep 3, 2011
Griefing should be allowed, but the rule that you have to remove your towers that you used to pillar into an enemy town shouldn't be in place. What happens if your enemy kills you? Are you supposed to walk all the way back to their town to remove a few dirt blocks?

Yes. Yes you should. You were the one that made that mess, you should clear it up.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jul 10, 2011
Norway, Vardø
Griefing should be allowed, but the rule that you have to remove your towers that you used to pillar into an enemy town shouldn't be in place. What happens if your enemy kills you? Are you supposed to walk all the way back to their town to remove a few dirt blocks?
I'll make a few TNT cannons, blow up your walls. Slay you all, and then when I leave I'll let the cannons stay for you to clean up. Then I'll come back a few days later, and a few days later, and a few...

You see where I'm headed with this? This is why they are to be cleaned up by the one making them. Same with pillars.


Wiki Team
Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
in some cases towns wont mind if they capture your cannons, more pistons and tnt for them.


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
To people who complain about them not being able to take down their pillars: Don't pillar/grief in the first place when you know there is a risk that you can't remove it.

Also, placing 3 blocks below you, then remove 2 of the blocks below will destroy the pillar as you make it. It's simple and it leaves no ugly pillars we town leaders have to PE/take down ourselves.


Apr 25, 2011
So in essence, don't raid? Even tho there is a supposed rule against boxes several towns are still fucking boxes. W/o a roof I might add, which makes pillaring the only option.


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
Then pillar the way I do. Place 3 blocks down below you, remove the 2 lower blocks, place another 2, repeat. It won't leave a pillar, possibly one block floating, but nothing more.


Sep 3, 2011
Instead of us ranting on and on about griefing, let's presume that griefing becomes fully legal. Therefore, you could do anything you wanted to non-regioned land. Ok, let's consider:


A nice forest. Nothing much, reasonably basic. Maybe someone will build a town here, or a regioned home?


A griefed forest. Under the rule that griefing is 100% legal, a player (or a group) go around destroying the environment, making it impossible to build without days worth of cleaning up. It doesn't take long to create a mess like this. Infact, this could be abused right outside of townships, to disable the citizens to build upon land that would one day be inside their regions (griefers could mess up the land so badly that it could take weeks to clean up).

What am I saying? Don't fucking grief. It would make the server map look like a piece of shit within days. Remember those MC Classic servers with maps full of pillars? Yeah. That's what could happen. We want the map to look nice. Use common sense, jeez... :(
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