So my suggestion is that maybe we could implement a LOOONGGG quest chain or something, that has like 15 quests in the line (I know it would take awile, but i could possibly help, still learning the basics of the quest plugin), and when you finish the last one, you get a legendary item, ie: a diamond sword with fire aspect 5, knockback 4, sharpness 8, and unbreaking 5. Some of you may say this is impossible, but minecraft doesnt care, as long as it's one of the basic enchantments, it will give it to you, no matter the intensity. I know of this one plugin that lets you use a command and enchant an item up to a value of like 8000... it didnt have the roman numerals, but it had like "item.fireaspect.5000" for fire aspect 5000, anything 10 or below though, will have roman numerals. and to keep these items, it might encourage people to donate or something so they can put it in their backpack and only use it when they need to. for some of the quests, make them require like a players head or something, then another quest a nether star, something higly valuable.