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Legacy Supporter 7
Sep 6, 2011

(Thank you Xanipher for this picture)


Please read the following paragraph:

As a town legacy has existed since the Map Dragongarde. We pride ourselves in having the most selective recruitment process out of any town on Herocraft. In order to join our town you must first fill out the application below and post it to this forum page. After that your application will be accepted or denied. If your application is accepted you will be notified and moved on to the trial period. During the trial period you will be able to join our Teamspeak and play with us as if you were apart of the town. The tria4l period is meant to see if you fit in with our town. If we feel that you fit in with us you will be formally invited to join the town. If you have read This paragraph please answer No to the "are you interested in our town" question on our application below. Thank you for your time.


Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec):
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec):
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter):
Estimated days played weekly:
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups:
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group:
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N):
Are you interested in our town:
Whitelist application link (URL):

Where did you hear about Legacy:
Try to impress us:






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Legacy Supporter 3
Sep 14, 2011
IGN: jazza411
Age: 17
Timezone: UTC/GMT +10 hours
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Either Bard or Necromancer
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Enchanter
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): Druid, Ranger, Bard and Disciple.
Estimated days played weekly: 3-4
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: I was in the trial stage for legacy but it was inconclusive as I decided to take a break.
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: Never.
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes.
Referrals: I talked to Vongard for a little bit on the test server.
Are you interested in our town: No.
Whitelist application link (URL):http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/jazza411-updated-application.7688/

Where did you hear about Legacy: I heard about legacy last map while I had my trial period.
Try to impress us: I am impressed that Legacy is being rebuilt after being a herocraft group for so long and I respect the way the players of the group present themselves. I would like to be apart of this group again because I feel I can contribute and be a quality member of the town by being reliable and active. Whilst being in the trial stage I was very impressed by how legacy refused to 'gangbang' players and tried to introduce independent fighting and I would like to be apart of that mindset when it comes to PvP in herocraft. I look forward to your response.


Dec 2, 2012
IGN: rake98
Age: 17
Timezone: central
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): wizard
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): miner
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter):
Estimated days played weekly: 3-5
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: hippy town (not on the server)
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: no
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): dont really know wht it is but im pretty sure i could pick it up easy
Referrals: vongaurd said to apply
Are you interested in our town: yes
Whitelist application link (URL): http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/whitelist-application.44171/#post-358714 (i had a blonde moment here)

Where did you hear about Legacy: vongaurd
Try to impress us: though i havent played minecratf online much i have played many rpgs such as wow diablo and guildwars i am very interested in the pvp aspect of things but am also active as far as pve and professions i would love to be a part of a team that helps eachother out and doesnt trash talk eachother all the time thanks for the considertion


Apr 20, 2013
Timezone: mountain time
Combat Level/Spec: Caster then necromancer
Crafter Level/Spec: miner
Mastered Spec's: lvl 6 lost soul, lvl 7 crafter
Estimated days played weekly: 7
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: None
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: No, this would be my first town
Able to use Teamspeak: Yes
Referrals: Vongard
Are you interested in our town: Very
Whitelist application link (URL): ?

Where did you hear about Legacy: Vongard
I am a master potion maker, and i have played minecraft for 2 years. I came in third in a national pvp tournament. I do not get put down by big projects and am extremely lawful.
Apr 17, 2013
IGN: Saben00
Age: Actually I'm 13, because I thought I need to be aldut to play on this server.
Timezone: Poland UTC +1:00
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): I think I would be rouge or wizard... After I'll master them I'll think what I should do next.
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Alchemist or Enchanter
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): Crafter, Smith
Estimated days played weekly: I can't say. I play on computer when I have time. (about 2 times per week)
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: Vigil (Lawfuly Good)
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: Yes, because I needed to end school, so I haven't got time to play Minecraft.
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): It would be very difficult to do, because I'm not from England, but possible.
Referrals: None
Are you interested in our town: I'm very interested.
Whitelist application link (URL): http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/apply-saben00.36408/#post-309384
Where did you hear about Legacy: I was searching forum to find an interesting town to join in.
Try to impress us: I'm nice player, I like cooperations and playing together. Also I like to help other players. I love RPG's like TES V or LOTR so I'm also intrested in minecraft RPG version.
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Dec 26, 2012
IGN: oscarfouz364
Age: 18
Timezone: eastern -5
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): current level 21 Ninja
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Miner
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): Combat and Crafter
Estimated days played weekly: 5-6
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: I use to run Knights Of The Blood Oath and a town called Westeria last map
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: Nope
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): Y
Are you interested in our town:
Yeah the other day i saw it as i was walking it's coming out nice and i'm a good builder myself so i can help around
Whitelist application link (URL): Can't find it sorry D: if i do i'll relink it

Where did you hear about Legacy: I saw it exploring by myself
Try to impress us: http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/town-wisteria-neutral-unless-provoked.41656/ my old town :p
http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/knights-of-the-blood-oath-neutral-7.29524/ my old guild :p
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Oct 7, 2013
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec):rogue
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec):mason
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter):
Estimated days played weekly:7
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups:none
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group:nope
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N):yes but dont have mic right now
Are you interested in our town:yes
Whitelist application link (URL):http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...age__st__34280__gopid__24769682#entry24769682

Where did you hear about Legacy:in request channel
Try to impress us:i am good builder an decent fighter


Oct 9, 2013
IGN: tezlaz
Age: 16
Timezone: GMT +12
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 4, but I plan to max out a class while playing
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 4, also plan to get this as high as possible so i can choose a spec, probably Enchanter.
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): None so far.
Estimated days played weekly: This is my first day, but I will probably play 4-5 days a week
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: None
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: No, never
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes
Referrals: vongard
Are you interested in our town: Yep, sure am.
Whitelist application link (URL): http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/tezlazs-whitelist-application.44459/#post-360278
Where did you hear about Legacy: I was looking for a faction to join because it is my first day playing and vonguard told me to apply here.
Try to impress us: I'm not too sure how far words are going to take me on this one, but despite the fact that I am new on this server, I have a wide experience with a lot of Minecraft servers and faction/pvp/Rpg servers because I have been a supporter of Minecraft since its Alpha stages which has of course given me a lot of time to try out other servers. Because of the amount of hours I have spent playing Minecraft, I have become fairly good at pvp and with a bow to be more specific. Anyways, I hope this paragraph was enough and I'm looking forward to joining Legacy :)


Wiki Team
Legacy Supporter 8
Jun 16, 2011
IGN: Dsawemd
Age: 20
Timezone: EST
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Ranger
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Not sure yet.
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): None
Estimated days played weekly: 6-7, some hours at a time.
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: Legacy, Braavos (Bastion), Jericho (Zeal), D101 (Zeal)
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: No, but I have been inactive before.
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): Y
Referrals: Keache
Are you interested in our town: No
Whitelist application link (URL):
edit: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic...s-rpg-no-pay2win/page__st__12900#entry5463494 Thanks Thamerwaste and Keache for helping find it.
Where did you hear about Legacy: You guys.
Try to impress us: I'm not a towel. Usually.
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Apr 2, 2013
IGN: KarnessMuur
Timezone:IDK but I live in Puerto Rico
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Ninja (or any sneak, long range combat class)
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Engineer (it really blew my mind O_O)
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): nine
Estimated days played weekly: 7 days, but since my computer died I don't have much time to play. But I play MC every day
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: None (im new)
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: nope
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): no :/
Referrals: None
Are you interested in our town: Heck yes!

Where did you hear about Legacy: I asked to join a town and Vongard reffered me here... sorry no epic dramatic event that led me here.
Try to impress us: Um... I don't have much to impress you with, and by that I mean I have nothing to impress you with. I don't pvp much, that's why I choose either stealthy or ranged combat tactics. But I love building things and creating stuff, that's why the engineer profession easily caught my eye.
Oct 19, 2013
IGN: Frankieboy12
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec):Beguiler or Ranger (need advice)
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec):Engineer
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter):None
Estimated days played weekly:5
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups:A fairly basic town I forgot the name of.
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group:No
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N):Y
Are you interested in our town:Yes
Whitelist application link (URL): http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/application-frankieboy12-hcf12.45124/

Where did you hear about Legacy: In the recruitment channel
Try to impress us: There's not much to impress but, I'm a pretty good shot with the bow and PvPing. I came from a Hardcore raiding server that I've been playing since 1 1/2yrs ago so I have good knowledge in combat.


Glowing Redstone
Oct 18, 2013
The 7th Circle of Hell
IGN: GamerTimeUS
Age: 15
Timezone: Eastern
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 10 Planned Ranger
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 12 Planned Merchant
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): None
Estimated days played weekly: 5
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: None
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: No
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): N
Referrals: None
Are you interested in our town: Yes
Whitelist application link (URL): http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/whitelist-application.45168/

Where did you hear about Legacy: Herocraft Wiki
Try to impress us: I have great aim and am great at creating large structures.
Oct 19, 2013
IGN: Skylord_Cobris
Age: 15
Timezone: Eastern
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 7/Necromancer
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 29/(Maybe enchanter or smith)
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): LostSoul
Estimated days played weekly: 7
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: None, maybe a few parties.. They all died out
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: Not given the chance, don't want to be either
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): No
Referrals: None
Are you interested in our town: Yes, I hear it's well protected and a excellent place to live out my minecraft days.
Whitelist application link (URL): Lost the link, sorry..

Where did you hear about Legacy: Liqwids recommended it
Try to impress us: I've ruled 4 kingdoms, feel in love, and led people to battle with speech. I am mainly a artist of the word :p


May 19, 2012
IGN: twigs11
Age: 19
Timezone: Eastern
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 13 - Lost Soul / Some caster or healer class
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec):
13 - Crafter / Unsure
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter):
Estimated days played weekly:
5+ days/week
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: Canterlot, about two maps ago.
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: Nope
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): Y
Are you interested in our town:
Of Course
Whitelist application link (URL): Whitelisted a little over a year ago, so it is lost in the heap somewhere. As you can see my account is fairly old.
Where did you hear about Legacy: Vonguard on re chat
Try to impress us: I have a degree in Web Design. I am currently pursuing my degree full-time in Computer Science, while working part time, and paying rent as well as a car payment. While still finding time to play Herocraft :p


Oct 20, 2013
quebec, canada
IGN: RaphCarb
Age: 21
Timezone: -5 gmt (Usa Canada)
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 10 / Berseker or Paladin
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 10 / smith, miner or Farmer ( I don't really mind as long as I'm usefull to the town)
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): None
Estimated days played weekly: 5
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: none
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: never
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): Y
Referrals: None
Are you interested in our town: no
Whitelist application link (URL): http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/application-to-the-whitelist.45283/#post-364901

Where did you hear about Legacy: On the recruiting channel a lot of people have talked about it
Try to impress us: I love teamworking, will do anything that fills for the town, will gladly work many hours to make the town ''top shape'', clean it, farm for everyone, protect it etc...
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Apr 29, 2013
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 2 beserker
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 1 undecided
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): none
Estimated days played weekly: 6-7
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: melomancers
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group:no
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N):yes
Are you interested in our town:yes and i heard about it in game
Whitelist application link (URL):dont have it i applied last map.,,


May 30, 2013
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec):Ninja
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec):Engineer
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter):
Estimated days played weekly:2
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups:None
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group:no
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N):Yes
Are you interested in our town:Yes
Whitelist application link (URL):I applied last map so i do not have it.

Where did you hear about Legacy:From my friend Klop552
Try to impress us: I love to play herocraft yet i can't do much because i do not have a town. I really would like a place where i could build, or buy a house. Also i would like to inform you that my voice is still a little high pitched, so i do sound younger.


Oct 8, 2013
IGN: 5ocrates
Age: 23
Timezone: EST
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 13/Wizard
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): 27/Enchanter
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): Lostsoul/Crafter
Estimated days played weekly: 3-4
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: N/A
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: No
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): Y
Referrals: I spoke with Liqwids a few days ago - he told me about your town and encouraged me to apply.
Are you interested in our town: Very much so - Not only do I love the architecture, but the member I spoke with was very polite and mature.
Whitelist application link (URL):http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/application.44418/#post-360120

Where did you hear about Legacy: My "home" is located fairly close to your town - I happened upon it and was exploring it and its architecture (oh-so-briefly, before I was brutally murdered for trespassing). As well, I spoke with Liqwids regarding some brief information on your town.
Try to impress us: Well, I can't impress you with me "1337 skillz", as I am fairly new to this server. I can just say that I have been playing minecraft for years (all throughout my college career), focusing mostly on building/design. I am a mature player, and extremely team oriented (ex-military helps with that), and am just looking for a group of people to work with and get to know so that I can keep having fun and enjoying the game. (Also, would love the mentoring and help of some experienced players, so I can get more into PVP as I used to be in WoW, and get my vengeance on a couple select individuals on this server...)


Dec 19, 2012
IGN: Maxxie_Pad
Timezone: GMT +8
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Ranger (Planned)
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec):Engineer ( planned)
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): -
Estimated days played weekly:4
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups:None
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: Nope
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N):Yes
Are you interested in our town: No
Whitelist application link (URL): it's been a year since I came back and I can't really find it! :)

Where did you hear about Legacy: seen it in the forum :)
Try to impress us: so basically, I love to build and help out a town, I'm specialized in creating Traps, systems and pistons. I love creating stuffs for raid uses. This is my first small step which is joining a town after very very long :)


Nov 1, 2013
IGN: Coolio95
Age: 18
Timezone: GMT +6
Combat Level/Spec (or planned Spec): Ranger
Crafter Level/Spec (or planned Spec): alchemist
Mastered Spec's (List Combat and Crafter): None :(
Estimated days played weekly: 3-4 hopefully, maybe more
Previous Guilds, Towns and Groups: None
Have you ever been expelled from a town, guild or group: No
Able to use Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes
Referrals: The founder
Are you interested in our town: Wouldn't be here if I weren't.
Whitelist application link (URL): http://herocraftonline.com/main/threads/application.45901/

Where did you hear about Legacy: The founder :p
Try to impress us: I am a good crafter, and have played minecraft for over 3 years.
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