Legacy Supporter 8
- Joined
- Oct 28, 2011
- Location
Hello everyone... I have not been active for the past few months or so and I have decided to fess up why:
I can't find time to consistently stay active on HC. When I have free time, I can't bring myself to log on. I find myself only logging on to whitelist and occasionally to check in. For better or for worse, I am burnt out from Minecraft after 4 years and Herocraft after 2+ years of playing. Even in Bastion playing HC became less of a pleasure activity and more of a burden with all of the "politicking" that went on behind the scenes with me as king; part of the reason I resigned. Otherwise, I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to be a Proctor and Guide for the past few months and a Balance Team member for over a year.
That being said, college applications and homework really need to be the focal point of my life right now and HC doesn't really have a place in that picture. I hope to return at a later date, perhaps after I get into college, perhaps next summer.
@Angyles - You are an incredible person. I've gotten on your nerves more times than I can apologize for, but you manage to
keep a hold of the situation. Being a Proctor has been one of my most favored activities on Herocraft.
@Eldrylars - I am glad that you succeeded me as king of LO/AD. You've done a great job. Keep it up, the future is bright.
@Jonsoon - We've always had an interestingly formal relationship, but I have always found you to be a person based in principle, and that is a cool quality to have.
@MichaelRL - Take care of Sentinel. Sadly I did not have much of a chance to take a huge role in its development, but things are looking positive in the future.
@WitchOnaRampage - I mentioned this on your own leave post, but thank you for being such a cool person.
@northeaster345 - Sorry we never had a chance to meet. If on the off chance I end up going to your alma mater next year, be sure to stop by.
@Barnubus - We have had some intense spats in the past, but thank you for going out on a limb and allowing me the chance to be a Guide.
@Rumblestikk - You are a very driven and caring person. I trust you will have success in your ventures.
@gabizou - You're alright I guess
. I still find it funny that I thought you were a girl prior to meeting you.
@LO/AD Members - You know who you are. I've gotten the chance to meet such a variety of people as both a town leader and a citizen that I cannot name you all. Many of you have played major or even just minor roles in my time here, and for that I thank you.
@Rest of the server - Keep cool. Keep the community strong. I trust it will keep thriving without my watchful eye.
I will still show my face over the next few days, but my appearances will likely taper off. I first logged in to this server in October of 2011, a wee novice excited by the prospects offered in the bounds of Zeal. I never expected to become a king of the largest kingdom on the server but that happened and that is something I am genuinely honored to have taken a part of. Hopefully my legacy will fade into the history of the server. Thanks to all that have supported me throughout my various endeavors, especially the members of Oblivion, Verstad, LO, and the AD as well as staff; and goodbye!
I can't find time to consistently stay active on HC. When I have free time, I can't bring myself to log on. I find myself only logging on to whitelist and occasionally to check in. For better or for worse, I am burnt out from Minecraft after 4 years and Herocraft after 2+ years of playing. Even in Bastion playing HC became less of a pleasure activity and more of a burden with all of the "politicking" that went on behind the scenes with me as king; part of the reason I resigned. Otherwise, I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to be a Proctor and Guide for the past few months and a Balance Team member for over a year.
That being said, college applications and homework really need to be the focal point of my life right now and HC doesn't really have a place in that picture. I hope to return at a later date, perhaps after I get into college, perhaps next summer.
@Angyles - You are an incredible person. I've gotten on your nerves more times than I can apologize for, but you manage to
keep a hold of the situation. Being a Proctor has been one of my most favored activities on Herocraft.
@Eldrylars - I am glad that you succeeded me as king of LO/AD. You've done a great job. Keep it up, the future is bright.
@Jonsoon - We've always had an interestingly formal relationship, but I have always found you to be a person based in principle, and that is a cool quality to have.
@MichaelRL - Take care of Sentinel. Sadly I did not have much of a chance to take a huge role in its development, but things are looking positive in the future.
@WitchOnaRampage - I mentioned this on your own leave post, but thank you for being such a cool person.

@northeaster345 - Sorry we never had a chance to meet. If on the off chance I end up going to your alma mater next year, be sure to stop by.
@Barnubus - We have had some intense spats in the past, but thank you for going out on a limb and allowing me the chance to be a Guide.
@Rumblestikk - You are a very driven and caring person. I trust you will have success in your ventures.
@gabizou - You're alright I guess

@LO/AD Members - You know who you are. I've gotten the chance to meet such a variety of people as both a town leader and a citizen that I cannot name you all. Many of you have played major or even just minor roles in my time here, and for that I thank you.
@Rest of the server - Keep cool. Keep the community strong. I trust it will keep thriving without my watchful eye.
I will still show my face over the next few days, but my appearances will likely taper off. I first logged in to this server in October of 2011, a wee novice excited by the prospects offered in the bounds of Zeal. I never expected to become a king of the largest kingdom on the server but that happened and that is something I am genuinely honored to have taken a part of. Hopefully my legacy will fade into the history of the server. Thanks to all that have supported me throughout my various endeavors, especially the members of Oblivion, Verstad, LO, and the AD as well as staff; and goodbye!