Hello, I am making this white list app cause Krangite ( My brother ) couldn't make an account for the herocraft forums. He is 12 years old, but is not dumb enough to randomly destroy things or cause any problems.
- In-game name: Krangite
- Location & Age: Ontario Canada , 12
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): None
- Referral(s): Graink, tom_The_Gnome, Klrocks0
- Reason you should be accepted: He's a real gamer. He loves to just sit around and play any games he can find, most of the time he plays League of Legends but that was just cause he was waiting to get whitelisted to this server. He's a great help to our little guild of people who all know each other and it's just going to make all of our playing experience that much better.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: He saw me playing.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Nope ( We run off the same IP so it's a race between the three of us to get it.)
- Additional Info: He also loves league of legends. I know some people on this server play and he'd be more than happy with any of them.