- Joined
- Apr 13, 2012
- In-game name: kanehikari
- Location & Age: Washington(state), 21
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): none that I know of
- Referral(s): none
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? -> http://tiny.cc/voteHC): Yes
- How'd you hear about Herocraft? found it on Minestatus as a top server and thought i would join after i read the rules.
- Special Key: HCK10
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes
- Reason(s) you should be accepted: there is no special reason for me to be accepted. I play the game, abide by the rules, and avoid starting problems; I am more of the peaceful background player you never notice. I like to help growth of a server, rather than destruction of players. Also I find pure pvp a useless endeavor and only shows laziness in the players style.
- Additional Info: I'm a gamer that likes to earn what I have. I have played many styles of games including shooters, MMOs and RPGs. I have many ideas and while many are not exactly great or acceptable; I'm not afraid to voice my thoughts if they can make the server better in the long run.