Banned by?Wasn't online basically all day, not even sure.
Time of ban: Don't know what time, I but it was on 6th of January.
Reason for ban: Honestly, I don't even know. I went on this morning
and was unbanned, went on later, banned.
Your story:, then I played a vanilla server for the whole day with
@shrimpy77 . I went back on and found out I was banned?! Shrimp asked a
lot of times who banned me and why, no one answered him. Then one person
was saying I used hacks, so here's my .jar (I got from Zihara, I always
asked shrimp for his .jar but he was too lazy to give it, Zihara gave me
her's (needed impchat and map))http://www.mediafire.com/?1pnevuz3dv2lsoz .
Zihara gave me this jar.
Banned by?Wasn't online basically all day, not even sure.
Time of ban: Don't know what time, I but it was on 6th of January.
Reason for ban: Honestly, I don't even know. I went on this morning
and was unbanned, went on later, banned.
Your story:, then I played a vanilla server for the whole day with
@shrimpy77 . I went back on and found out I was banned?! Shrimp asked a
lot of times who banned me and why, no one answered him. Then one person
was saying I used hacks, so here's my .jar (I got from Zihara, I always
asked shrimp for his .jar but he was too lazy to give it, Zihara gave me
her's (needed impchat and map))http://www.mediafire.com/?1pnevuz3dv2lsoz .
Zihara gave me this jar.