Bye fuz! take your lottery hacks to the real world
Yeah I plan to, will give ya a few grand when I do
You cant leave without tagging me, mr lottery moneybags
In a serious way, have fun without Herocraft, and have a good sleep now that you can finally do so.
Sorry man, but there's alot I should tag, including yourself. Notice I've not tagged anyone

Sleeping is one thing I won't be doing, Waking up is closer to the truth.
Laters, see you in a few months
Yes maybe, maybe one day Herocraft will cater for everyone's needs
Bye Fuz, Miss ya and the D101 days
Yeah miss you and the D101 day's too man :\ A lots changed since then as you know yourself, take care man.
Bye Fuz! Was good to have another of the long-standing Vet's along for a while, especially you - You were always a great guy, imo.
Thanks man, was good knowing there was still good guys like yourself. Just a shame we didn't all band together.
Yeah laters Maybe, whatever happens have a good one man
Can i have your lottery winnings?
jk have fun with whatever you do.
I've given away my things already, as for money - I'm skint

However there is a nice property up for grabs or gabs
<3 goes out to you too man, hopefully the chant will help me win the lotto?
Now who will win the lottery? Heh, I hope to see you in the next few months <3. Have fun fuz
You got to be in it to win it, yeah until we meet again