RE: Minecraft Version Switcher v1.0
So, thanks to ZELLIS giving me some help and a development area to work (shell to a Mac system), I have got a working script for Mac.
HOWEVER, there is the issue of the .py not being executable by default. Now, if anyone is advanced enough to know how to turn executing on a script (chmod u+x), that's all they would have to do to make it work. I, however, cannot package it with this. So... it's possible, but too hard for newbies to figure out.
I need someone to package it with py2app or cx_Freeze into a Mac .app file, if possible. If anyone is familiar on how to do this, that would be awesome. Additionally, if you -really- want this program now, and can run the chmod u+x yourself, here's the link: - ready to go. Enjoy.
EDIT: Included what I have so far in the OP, including a basic warning on the functionality of it.