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Legacy Supporter 1
Jun 27, 2011
Hello. I'm glad to be accepted into this amazing community. I have visited many different RP servers, but I have yet to find one that has:
1. Responsible admins
2. Friendly people
3. Serious RP
4. The ability to actually survive

I hope that both this server, and this community has all of these traits.

I will probably be playing sometime today, but I am having dificulty getting online.
So in the meantime, I might as well introduce my RP character.
For those that will see me in game, they will recognize my skin.
That is because my RP character is based off of HoneyDew (Simon's character) from the yogscast.

My character originally started out as an application for an RP server.
People rejected on the background of my character because everyone
complained that it was from the yogscast.
I was angry at this, so I decided to try making an actual story for my character.
I started writing a book about my character, but after a while, I got too busy with school work
to work on my story. All I was able to do was create the first 2 chapters of the story.
Here they are as follows.

By: CaduceusGUILT

This story is based of the LP series yogcast. Half of the characters are of not my origin, but the other are.
Chapter 1:
His Story Begins
This is the story of Caduceus Rufferbottom. He is an ordinary dwarf, that lives with his family. His mother, Susan, and his father, Jery and his sister, Rose. He also has a brother, who is much more well knowned than Caduceus. His name, is HoneyDew. People know of him from great stories. He battled vicious spiders, horrible zombies, and menacing skeletons. He always fights along side his partner, Xephos. Well, that's enough of HoneyDew, this story is about Caduceus. So let's start like any other great story. It all started on their farm. Mum was cooking diner, while Dad was working on the mine. Rose was busy caring for the farm. And where was Caduceus. Like any other great hero, he was on the loo.
Chapter 2:
A Hero is Born
So, picking off from before, Caduceus was sitting on the loo, after eating some bad mushrooms. At the time, his brother, HoneyDew, was away off on his adventures. This is where it all goes south. His sister, Rose, was in the farm, and she was all alone. A dark shadow appeared behind her, and snatched her away. The only person that could hear here was Susan, and she rushed to go help her. Unfortunately, she was easily overcome. She was only able to see the face of the capture, a strange, pale white face. Susan rushed home and yelled "THEY TOOK ROSE, THEY TOOK ROSE". Caduceus quickly cleaned up and ran to the mines. He got Jery and they both went home. Susan was sitting down, from the shock of losing Rose. Caduceus asked what happened, and she told the story. She said that all she saw was a pale white man, with black eyes, and clothes as dark as night. Caduceus felt that this was his time, this was his opportunity, this was his chance to become as great as his brother. Caduceus said his good byes, and headed off. All he knew was the kidnapper was pale, and that his sister is only a child. That is enough for Caduceus to find his sister. There was a town near by that had kidnapping of children. Caduceus got on his pig, and started his journey, one that will be more vital to everyone than he thinks.
Chapter 3:
The Town of Rorragran

If I ever get time to work on the story, I'll try to make it at least 10 chapters long.

After the whole thing with my story, I decided to look for another server.
After quite a long time, I started playing on this post apoctalytpic server. There were a lot
of problems going on in the server, which ended with my whole town getting blown up.
On that server, I met a really nice person, and together we tried to make a clan. We played
on this other server, but after a while we decided to go back
to the old server. It was fun for a while, and I started RPing with every word that I said.
One of the admins said that I should try making a blog for all of the things that I did in
the server.

This is the twitter account that I made.

After a while of playing on the server, the same thing happened. Our town leader went power crazy,
becoming a dictator, and the admins starting favoring only one faction,
giving them items and protection.

After that, I took a hiatus from minecraft, trying to find servers every once in a while, but I could never find one that was actually good.

And now we're here. Hopefully this server will be friendly enough and responsible enough for me to spread my creative side of my self. I hope that this community can except me for who I am.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jun 7, 2011
Not really an rp server but I have seen some hints of RP here and there from other players.
Im sure you will be able to get a small group of RP'ers together.
Good Luck and Good to Have You.
(Maybe consider starting an RP guild/Town)