- Joined
- Apr 19, 2012
- Minecraft In-game name: Intervex
- Location & Age: Cali, USA; 21
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): No bans as of yet.
- Referral(s): Sorry, n/a. May refer sibling later.
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: While perusing different forums/server listings. Also listed as #2 on Spoutcraft client.
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Will vote if whitelisted. =)
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes, I do.
- Reason you should be accepted: I'd like to think of myself as a mature and friendly player. I only recently purchased minecraft, but that is not to say I haven't been playing for quite some time. Even as a new player, I'll try to be helpful to the community while learning the server's unique RPG aspect; that's the main reason I wish to join, I've gotten tired of mining and building endlessly without some other purpose. Not sure if this is relevant, but I've been long tinkering with servers myself; I'm typically a huge fan of survival so any relevant plugins released for bukkit servers get me plenty excited. I do like playing creative with others tho, helps get that imagination going; I figure some roleplaying wouldn't hurt either.
- Additional Info: Graduating with bachelor in biochem for pre-med (._.) this coming month; though I'll have to be honest and say my true aspirations are with comp sci. Previous games primarly consist of RPG/MMO/MOBA; yes, that includes WOW. Stopped that after Cata, really pandas...? I love to program in my free time. My first and favorite language is java; somehow minecraft is in java. I'll leave it at that.
- Additional Info (cont.):I saw the post for no whitelist weekend, starting tomorrow. Figured it wouldn't hurt to throw my application out there so I don't get eaten alive tomorrow. haha
As promised. Riveria: Small Town: Riveria, Observatory, Town Hall/Mansion, Multiverse: Portal Room, Mob Arena Entrance, Mob Arena Waiting, Mob Arena Itself
Giving credit where it's due, worked on the town with my younger brother; I'm very methodical so it takes me a while to get things going. Observatory and non-houses are soley my own creations. Portal Rooms/Mob Arena my own as well; Arena still a WIP