- Joined
- Apr 2, 2012
- Minecraft In-game name: ikillnubs12345
- Location & Age: England, 14
- Previous Bans (Includes other servers): One bann
- Referral(s): Youtube
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: I have been looking for servers at minestatus and i have found Herocraft!
- Have you voted for Herocraft (No? Click here)?: Not yet, but I will!
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS? Yes, i do!
- Reason you should be accepted: I am interested in this server it seems one of a kind. I am mature so i wont cause problems. I am an active player. Plus for me: learning your plugin Heroes. another plus for me: i get to add rpg to my list of servers!
- Additional Info: I bring a unique experience to whoever plays minecraft with me, in the sense that I'm different from the general player of minecraft. I make an effort to survive and I will do so by whatever means necessary. I don't generally get upset but I will end up hunting somebody down for repeatedly killing me or my friends. In my free time besides minecraft I play League of Legends and Heroes of Newereth. I don't generally take much time away from minecraft unless I have an important school project or I've already made plans to do something else at the current time. I'm not generally a builder but I do know how to build when it comes down to having to build.