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Suggestion I probably sound like a broken record but...

Gear and Weapon drop on death?

  • Total voters


May 27, 2012
I don't understand how not dropping items caters to large groups. People are going to have to leave and go back to their base instead of continuously bum-rushing others from the graveyard.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 29, 2012
The held item and worn armor stay on you after death - all items take 10% durability and can be destroyed - this is intended. Only people this suggestion "hurts" are the solo players that don't have a team of people to re-quip them.

Large groups don't need anymore help to dominate smaller teams/players.
I'm a solo player and I loved when everyone lost their gear on death, but after reading several posts on people's opinions I do agree that it should stay as is with the new weapons as it also increase in pvp.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
I'm a solo player and I loved when everyone lost their gear on death, but after reading several posts on people's opinions I do agree that it should stay as is with the new weapons as it also increase in pvp.
Not only new weapons - but armor as well. We jumped the gun a bit on the held item/gear not dropping - but its good to edge people into new systems.


Legacy Supporter 8
Jan 29, 2012
Not only new weapons - but armor as well. We jumped the gun a bit on the held item/gear not dropping - but its good to edge people into new systems.
But is their new custom armor? I haven't been able to get on for 2 weeks now because of vacation in Italy. :)


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 30, 2011
But is their new custom armor? I haven't been able to get on for 2 weeks now because of vacation in Italy. :)
The only custom armor you can get by using Medals (the PvP currency) is Protection 1 gear. Not exactly worth the medals it costs (32)


Max Legacy Supporter
Feb 5, 2012
I think they might add more and better armor later, or on drops from the adventure map or whatever.


Legacy Supporter 2
Sep 7, 2012
I would personally love to see a new system where players no longer have death chests on during pvp... I would also like to see armor drop as well leaving you with only the one item you're hovered over when you die.

This IMO would greatly increase the risk of pvp while also making it possible to continue to fight if you so choose after death.

Now for the GY issue I would like to see a system where people who have just spawned are unable to use the items that they kept through death for .75-1.5 mins thus allowing you to keep your items on death but not present a threat to people right outside of gy's until a certain amount of time has passed.


Legacy Supporter 5
May 4, 2012
Charlotte, North Carolina
There needs to be a death penalty. It's pretty stupid when people just rush from the gy to start fighting again. Example, 2v4 you kill most or all, but took so long, rest of group just shows back up
Oct 4, 2011
There needs to be a death penalty. It's pretty stupid when people just rush from the gy to start fighting again. Example, 2v4 you kill most or all, but took so long, rest of group just shows back up

But that means more fighting, which means more frequent PVP. Which is the main selling point of this system, people will bring their best equipment and the fights will be interesting. If you aren't fighting in PVP for the battles and are instead only looking for loot the easy way with your buddies, I would suggest attempting to get said equipment yourself by putting in the work (as most others did to obtain what they have) Or do some town raids and hope there's something worth while.
Oct 4, 2011
Do you know who I am? I am le w0nd3r, I put in the work.
That post literally had no purpose other than boosting your own post count. It doesn't really matter who you are, the current system is in place for reasons that have already been discussed earlier in this topic. And it is likely to stay that way, because it works and achieves what it is meant to achieve.


Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 6, 2013
But that means more fighting, which means more frequent PVP. Which is the main selling point of this system, people will bring their best equipment and the fights will be interesting. If you aren't fighting in PVP for the battles and are instead only looking for loot the easy way with your buddies, I would suggest attempting to get said equipment yourself by putting in the work (as most others did to obtain what they have) Or do some town raids and hope there's something worth while.

A death penalty doesnt have to mean dropping equipment. I prefer we keep armor and held item (drop everything else), but I still think we really need a death penalty. And not just start at half health, that does nothing to healers. Something like start at 0 mana and stamina, doesnt begin increasing for a minute, or 0 attributes for 2 minutes, or something to make zerging pointless basically.


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
What I would like to see now, is people dropping anything. I think there is still that bug


Oct 11, 2013
It seems to me that Herocraft as begun wrapping its player's in a fuzzy warm towel protecting them from any harm or danger.

LWC's have become a expensive useless option with personal region now having complete control on who is allowed to open what in them.

Dying in combat now lets you drop a death chest which gives you a 400 second timer on your inventory loot, you also keep your armour and weapon of choice.

Seriously I don't mean to offend but whose idea was it to turn Herocraft pvp into viva piñata : fun time?

The whole definition of "raid" on herocraft is basically to run into a town, kill whoever is about and take their loot. A raid or any sort of combat for that matter should have a great amount of risk for the attackers and less of a risk for the defenders. Isen't that the whole point?

My personal idea is this:

When combat is initiated the attacker should start with some sort of slight disadvantage as he/she is in fact the one starting the fight.
For example lets say B attacks A.
If B attacks A and B dies they he should have a small chance of dropping his weapon and he should respawn at the nearest graveyard with a timed slow debuff. However if B attacks A and A dies then A should also have a chance at dropping his/her weapon but also should respawn with a timed speed buff.

Why should someone who starts a fight be free of risk whilst his/her victim shouldn't and if the victim overcomes the attacker shouldn't they have a chance of being rewarded?


Legacy Supporter 3
Jan 6, 2014
I'd like to see people drop armor, atm you kill someone and get some food, redstone, and maybe a god pick? hopefully they have diamonds/emeralds on them which is always nice.

I don't think dropping held item is a good thing, because good weapons cost a lot right now.

On the other hand, armor could drop? might be good.
May 14, 2013
Alright. I've been ignoring this page for a while now, I never really knew what my opinion was. But today I killed a pally and a ranger for a bounty, and before I could even heal half of my health, they were back. The area we were pvping in was like 200 blocks or so away from the graveyard. I think that they need to respawn with a extreme slow for a minute, and then after that minute decrease it to a slow 2 or so for another minute. This post is slightly off topic but I'm just so pissed.


Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 17, 2012
from what i've noticed since the intro of keeping held items on death, there's been little to no graveyard campers, which is nice.