An older application - This isn't what we're looking for at all. July 2011, Age 15.
Slightly older app - March 2011, Age 14
Another - June 21, 2011, your birthdate is July 1st. You aged early here.
Assuming any of your past applications are honest, you should have been 15 on July 1, 2011. and that would make you 15 years old now, until July 2012. - Your ban which "isn't worth remembering"
So, we've got dishonesty in the application, a rather old ban you failed to mention, and a rich history of not taking your applications seriously. Good luck on another server, your application is denied.
For the future: If a ban isn't worth remembering, then you have not learned anything from the punishment. Whether people want to believe it or not, being
kicked out of a community for ones actions is a very heavy thing to tote around with you.