- Joined
- May 16, 2012
- Minecraft In-game name: Highwayman91
- Location & Age: I am from the United Kingdom, England specifically, and I am 21 years of age.
- Previous Bans: I have never been banned from a server.
- Referral(s): N/A
- How did you hear about Herocraft?: I read your thread on the Minecraft forum whilst browsing for a new server.
- Have you voted for Herocraft?: I have indeed. Just before writing this application.
- Do you agree to the Herocraft EULA & ToS?: I do.
- Reason you should be accepted: Well, i'm not really good at bigging myself up but I guess I am rather experienced at Minecraft. Been playing since...oh, early August 2010. I'm very helpful when it comes to gathering resources for others but i'm also rather good at holding my own. I like to think of myself as a nice, social person so i'll try and make myself known to the community but don't worry, i'm not an attention seeker
- Special key: HCH12
- Additional Info: Well, i'd be very grateful if you were to accept me into your community, as from what i've seen, i'd really enjoy my time here. My only regret is I haven't read about you sooner.