Age: 14
Time Zone: EST
How long have you been playing on HeroCraft: 2-3 months
What is your experience withTekkit mods: I have played tekkit/technic for a little over a year now, and I know almost everything there is to know about the mods

What is your favorite Tekkit mod and why: My favourite would have to be Equivlent Exchange because the condenser is very useful and it reminds me of FMA
Which Tekkit mod is your 'area of expertise': Definetely Equivilent Exchange, I know most of the bugs and understand how to do almost everything and I have memorized most crafting recipes for it.
Can you lead a group to finish a project or would you be better with a strong leader: I could definetly lead a group because I work well wih ohers and with my tekkit expertise I could get plenty done with them.
Reason you should be accepted: I am a hard worker and always see things to the end, and if I get accepted I will give 300% and will help others with my tekkit expertise.
Additional Info: I love tekkit and heroes so I would love this project, and I will be able to turn my love of these things into hard work.
**EDIT** Oops, forgot timezone xD got it now.