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Herocraft & You


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
What motivates you? What makes you want to log into Herocraft? What do you look forward to on Patch days or MC patches?

I'd like to know more about the player base and your goals/desires so we can find a mutual grounds to appease them.


Legacy Supporter 3
Aug 30, 2011
Springfield(Springtucky), OR, U.S.A.
I just like towns, and heroes adds so much to minecraft, and personally I think the TC add a lot to the server, because every day when I am theres always people arguing in o chat about airbus's shop and stuff. And personally I loved SSP and playing hours and making awesome giant towns, yet as soon as I played SMP once, SSP is just.. boring.. plain boring. I love the skills and stuff and the classes, I know there not all balanced, but they seem fine to me because there all so different and so unique, that pvp and stuff is fun, even if you get owned terribly.-Razael6


Legacy Supporter 4
Jan 14, 2011
I'm mostly a townie, I enjoy being involved in the workings of cities and such. Politics and group participation acts, with some adventuring when it's called for. The whole "for the players, by the players, done legit, bar cookies" mentality is a big draw, and I'd like to see that develop some more. As of now townships are mostly just places to hang your hat, place a bed, and store your stuff. Some towns do well at averting that, I'm sure, but they seem to be few and far-between. I don't know what could make it better, but to see townships that people actually care about, that's ideal. A lot of it is up to the players themselves, I realize, but anything that helps make that happen is more than welcome. War between towns is one obstacle, if that got ironed out it would be pretty sweet.

Which is not to say that I don't like the more rugged, traditional Minecraft activities- that is, gallivanting around the map above and below and surviving. The Heroes classes are good fun and add a sense of... lawfulness? Freedom through limitations. They add uniqueness to your character. You just can't cast Thundaga on other servers.

As far as updates, just about anything that adds more. Heroes tweaks and skills, bringing back previously-problematic vanilla content, plugins and updates, it's all good. If one issue or another is causing a lot of chatter I like to see it be dealt with in a timely manner, no matter what "dealing with it" actually means. Generally, Herocraft does quite well at that and I can't think of more to say and more or less I salute you. b('_')


Legacy Supporter 4
Jul 17, 2011
Orlando, FL
1. Progression and community.
2. Work on notable, functional, or profitable tasks.
3. More immersive game play opportunities that will involve the player with the world and its inhabitants in more ways. I also look forward to deeper methods of character progression.

Unfortunately community is segregated to individual towns and alliances that scatter the map with a few select people online from each with no real system to promote group play that you preech. No reason to group up and fight or defend outside of a town other than to annoy or grief people simply because there's nothing else for non-crafters to do. Shops are so inaccessible that people mostly fend for them selves and the ghost shops that litter the roads around zeal show that the server does not have any sense of public economy. The fact that public projects become more of a hassle than its worth takes away from the overall community and look of the server.


Ancient Soul
Staff member
Legacy Supporter 7
Remastered Tier 2 Supporter
Jan 17, 2011
I'm a nerd by choice, and an engineering by training. I initially bought Minecraft because it looked to be Legos for your computer. However, I joined Herocraft within the first couple days of purchase and never looked back. It's an interesting thing; I tend to function and build alone yet always end up joining a town and find single player fairly boring. I suppose I keep returning to Herocraft because I can't see myself building anywhere else and I love being able to truely alter the game world in which I play in. Don't care so much for PvP. I raid towns through boredom, trying to challenge myself to see if I can get in. Interestingly enough, I find mining exceedingly boring, and as a result never acquire much wealth. I prefer to build, and luckily you don't really need to mine to do so except for collecting cobblestone. I am a Beastmater, but more for love of wolves than for PvP. I fight when I have to, but I just like traveling with the wolves more than anything, haha.

I guess I don't really look forward to anything on patch days other than progress. I am interested to see where the server is headed, both in skills and functionality. I update the wiki, and hope people realize that class changes are not a personal insult to ther desires and intelligence.

Working on the lore is a new way of keeping my interest; it is a fun project that helps make the server a richer place (when I'm not melting my brain at school and have time to write and respond to pms).

I prefer to create large garden-type structure. I had done so on other maps, but with the greifability of plants and the change to regioning it is difficult to do so without everything short of cactus disappearing.

Overall, I keep coming back to Herocraft because it is a place I can just exist in as I want. If I am in a sociable mood I hang out in my town. If I am in an exploring mood I can wander the map. If I am in a building mood I can work on one of my projects knowing that for the most part they are protected by the server rules (although I did abandon a nice site near Zeal due to constant destruction by new idiots).

I'd also like the throw the question back at you @Kainzo , and to all the founders. Why did you start this massive project? What made you look at Minecraft and think 'I can make this better'. What drives you to spend the countless hours to develop this?


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 14, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
I love playing Minecraft for the amount of imagination, freedom, and power I can control. For example this morning I thought up an idea of starting the first Herocraft Fast-Food Chain. By this post 3 of them have been created and stocked. Herocraft lets me do this in a dynamic environment where it simply does not go to sleep when I log off and the world continues to turn.

I also enjoy the simple things such as Completing a house, exploring a castle, sneaking through a hostile town, finding that one chest unprotected with gold and diamonds, group projects, grand achievements, every change the updates bring, hanging out with friends I've made, and sometimes just jumping in circles.

I'd also like the throw the question back at you @Kainzo , and to all the founders. Why did you start this massive project? What made you look at Minecraft and think 'I can make this better'. What drives you to spend the countless hours to develop this?



Holy Shit!
Jun 22, 2011
I know what motivates myself and many others to keep coming back, day after day. Its the sheer amount of freedom you have combined with the fun of the Heroes mod. The fact that you can go out raid a town, pillage, then turn right around and begin building something amazing. You aren't tied down to one specific thing like other servers. I can be apart of an huge city and be at war with a greater one, or crush a weaker one near my domain. I can assemble an army to defend or attack another kingdom, or just to cause some server fighting. I'm honestly not sure how to express the joy herocraft can bring people. All I know is you guys have by far hit the nail on the head with the amount of care put into every aspect of this server.


Legacy Supporter 6
Mar 4, 2011
Hmmmmmm, Herocraft, yes indeed. Twas my very first server - recomended by a certain Dodgeballboy on Gamefaqs.com. Looking back I can clearly see my first steps into Sanctum, fact is, I was too terrified to even leave town (I didn't leave untill my 3rd real time day). My fondest memory was seeing @GreekCrackShot make several very long walks down the tower after dying, and me wondering to myself "Who names theirself THAT??"

Now...why do I come back? I've tried other servers, they're not the same, they don't have the same fantastic comunity as we do, nor the numbers. But I can't really put a finger on why I come back, why I log in. Perhaps its because I fit in, or that I've got no other place to be. It could be that I feel important, or that @Kainzo has a hypnotic additive in the game turning Herocraft into a drug (I'm betting on this one). To be honest I'm not to sure why I come back, but i do know that I can't leave.


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
"I'd also like the throw the question back at you @Kainzo , and to all the founders. Why did you start this massive project? What made you look at Minecraft and think 'I can make this better'. What drives you to spend the countless hours to develop this?"

Well, my first steps in Minecraft was at work, when I saw a coworker watching a youtube video. I didn't know what to think. I was amazed at the simplicity that it had offered, I was intrigued. Almost a year ago, I got my brother (Seyton) Seratt (cousin) Apherdite and Bosnic involved whenever we set up our pre-alpha/alpha server.

It was a very insane first few hours/weeks. We had the server up in September, we only cared about exploring and building. I had hosted a CS1.6 server on and off for the last 5-6 years and I wanted to bring my madness back into the internet.

[DH]'s Multiverse was the term coined by myself whenever we were still bridging DH into the multigaming organization it is. That is another story.

Either way, on Oct 1st 2010 we opened the doors to the public on our home connection. It was an instant hit, as soon as we posted our server topic we had easily 20-30 replies within the hour.

We started with 4 players and have become what we are today. I created Herocraft because I love leading and I love Minecraft. I hope to return as a player and not as a fully fledged admin so I can experience the greatness that we offer on a fair and balanced level. It will happen! I swear it.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 1, 2011
New York
I've been waiting for a thread like this, glad you started it, Kainzo. It's been a LONG time since I took a trip to another server. Not even a friend's server. To be honest, I started on Herocraft and never thought of leaving. I remember playing on other minor servers beforehand where I would put a ton of effort in to my work, then get griefed to shit. The quality of the server; Lame. The power of the staff; Limited. The dedication of the players; Weak. I remember how shitty and mad I felt whenever someone griefed my work or harassed me, then proceeded to get away with it. Maybe the reason why I've been on this server for so freakin' long is because at the time, every server I seemed to go on sucked... But I thought about it, and I've realize it was worth sticking around.

Come on, you have to admit, since January (when I started) this server has come a LONG way. There were many flaws and issues at the time, and I can understand why with all Notch's updates and DDoS'ing. But, I've had so many extraordinary moments on the sanctum map, and on Zeal so far, that I don't think I'll ever leave for another server. In fact, this server will be my last. I find Minecraft SSP relatively boring, even with the new features Notch implements, it may be fun for a little, but it gets old fast.

Now I've seen a lot, let me summarize:

  • Over the past 8 months, I've seen Kingdoms rise, and I've seen them fall.
  • I've advanced from what you could call a first class noob, to a master at Minecraft in almost every way.
  • I've been killed, probably over 1,000 times, but I've killed, probably 3,000 times.
  • I've brought people into this server, I've gotten people kicked out. HolyRane Reference
  • I've seen the entire server band together to reach a common goal, despite their differences (more than once).
  • I've seen mosh pits, and I've seen orgies you can only dream of.
  • I've known popular players that come and go, it baffles me as to why someone would leave this server for another.
  • I've met trolls, but that's besides the fact I've encountered an amazing community.
  • I've fought Bargraphics and won.* *Disclaimer: This statement lacks truth.
  • I was once the lowest of the low (like everyone), but rose up to be one of the most prominent and persistent Kings.
Now, one of the things I think had the most influence on me, is the community's "real life" impact. Some might assume playing on a server like this might hinder me socially. I beg to differ. Before Herocraft, I was a shy and lonely highschool kid. Once learning the ways of Herocraft, I learned to be more outgoing, I've learned to take a joke or a risk every now and then. My temper was once... short... Anything could piss me off. Over the past months I've realized that internet trolling is not much different than the losers at school trashing me for little reason, they do it for the laughs. Once past that stage, I realized it's okay to laugh at yourself to a point, and I can do it whenever I feel like it now. I don't think Herocraft is the main influence on my recent confidence, but it definitely has helped.

God, there's so much to cover, I probably will forget something important. But I wanted to mention how much I enjoy help from the staff. I've never had any serious issues with them, and I've known their power and authority for months, especially after I was once temporarily banned. It was only until recently I've realized how grateful I was for their assistance and dedication, because (not naming names) when the Herocraft test server was up for 1.8, I had an awesome little community going, and I was having a BLAST testing Heroes and being able to have the freedom to do whatever the fuck I wanted to (within the rules).

But issues arose, from my community. Insults were tossed around, accusations were being made, and killing as a joke was taken the wrong way. Next thing I know, my house was leveled. Immediately, I thought of how ironic it was this happened when I was having the most fun. I know it was just a test server, you don't have to tell me twice, but I worked HARD on my house, for a long period of time. When it was gone I was upset because all my work had gone down the tube. It reminded me of how I never could find a good server to play on, because of the lack of staff and high percentage of griefers. It reminded me of how thorough and devoted staff is to keeping the server stable and fun as possible.

Besides donating, and giving back as a Proctor,
All I can really say is,
Thanks (That goes out to every single person on HC)


Legacy Supporter 3
Feb 2, 2011
Herocraft is amazing. Some of my fond memories:
  • My first very very VERY VERY laggy steps in Sanctum on my crappy old laptop.
  • Seeing Artemis, my first city, for the first time.
  • Seeing Blasphemy overran by slimes.
  • @Neo_Exdeath fucking up 20(?) million blocks of the map.
  • Working with @howdanrocks on the town that would be the precursor to Shiroku.
  • Watching Shiroku grow from a floating from a floating cobble ring (using slut magic) grow into two thriving town.
  • The ENORMOUS raid on Shiroku.
  • Planning the raid on Athena tomorrow.
I'll add more as I think of it.

On a side note, I was thinking about giving back to Herocraft and becoming a Proctor. Should I?

the wolfe

Legacy Supporter 6
Aug 18, 2011
well i saw one of your members posting on the forums in a class one day and well i'm not very good with people so i said hey whats that and well he told me i joined became friends with him and discovered what an amazing server this is with such funny, proud and awesome admins not to be a kissup but you guys are pretty funny and awesome i could never do what you guys do i would go insane i think this is the last minecraft server i'll ever play its just so awesome all the other servers are bland compared to this one this server is pretty awesome i hope that this server's awesomeness rubs off on me,

a 17 year old gunsmith with one eye whos still a pretty good shot. other than that i've fell out of my chair laughing so many times when somebody says something funny over (O) chat and i really thank you guys.

i really wish their was something more i could do besides just donate...hmm.....maybe if i bought a remote controlled WORKING explosive LIFE SIZE creeper for kainzo maybe but then again minecraft tech hasn't come that far.........YET


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
I joined herocraft because my only multiplayer experience left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I had a ton of fun in SSP, and some fun online on a private server with some friends. However the host of that server turned out to not be my friend, nor the friend of any of my friends and it was a long story of that asshole, lots of spawning items where everyone else had to do it legit, self-griefing, and pointing blame on others.

I wanted something better, something both legit and hardcore. Those were the things I saw in the title of the HC topic on the minecraft forums. I hesitated at first, and tried a server called Jemcraft, which I was on for about 20 minutes. Then, to my surprise, I was whitelisted on HC rather quickly but Brutal. I logged in at Sanctum and was completely blown away by how amazing this spawn city was. I was told everyone was entitled to a free plot and LWC in Sanctum. Brutal even gave me his old plot, which I then turned into a tree farm. I tried my hardest to play on my own and get started in Sanctum by growing trees and trading wood. It didn't really work out because my tree farm had to fit in my 10x10 plot. However my tree farming skills came in handy later.

It was then that I met gabizou in Rens. I decided it was time to pick a town and join, so I went with the first one I saw in /ch re. That was Rens. I traveled there via herogate and met gab and saw the town. I'm not very good at the minecrafty-asian style they represented, but the community was a fine group of people. So I got my girlfriend onto herocraft (ironee212) and we joined Rens together! I remember the first thing we did was make a tree farm for the town and got paid 10 diamonds each by gab. Seemed like an amazing deal for us because of how hard it is to get diamonds in SSP. From then on we watched as Rens grew into KRS. The last kingdom that was made on Sanctum's map, right after NEO. I spent most of my time in Rens, but I watched as almost overnight the towns of Osari/Kumo and Nagori were built overnight.

Throughout my time on HC, it was the community that kept me here. The inter-township politics that come with everything. Sure it may seem like everyone is allied with everyone, but there will always be PVP. That's what my guild I founded on Sanctum did. (GPA ~ Ghast Protection Agency) It was a grand old time!

I'd have to say the way townships work on this server, and the mini-communities that come from that are what keeps me interested. Not all these small communities get along, and that's ok. In the end we are all people who play herocraft. It's something to be proud of, and that's why we are here.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 1, 2011
New York
So I got my girlfriend onto herocraft (ironee212) and we joined Rens together!

You know what's weird? I remember the first day Ironee logged in, and I was there recruiting people for Artemis, because Sheddi told me to. Ahh my charm did manage to sweet talk into people joining, too bad you guys already had plans on the server :/ we really needed more dedicated players like you guys at that point.


Legacy Supporter 5
Mar 9, 2011
Temple of Melonmancy
You know what's weird? I remember the first day Ironee logged in, and I was there recruiting people for Artemis, because Sheddi told me to. Ahh my charm did manage to sweet talk into people joining, too bad you guys already had plans on the server :/ we really needed more dedicated players like you guys at that point.

Well, when we got whitelisted, we weren't ready for a town. So we were ignoring the re chat and focusing on our Sanctum house. I really miss Sanctum for that reason, alot of people aren't REALLY ready for a town when they first log in. They need to get their bearings down. I think they should convert the outer edge of Zeal (beyond the bridges, within the region) into 10x10 housing like in Sanctum. The free LWC is obviously out of the question (or maybe not since it's at spawn) and would help improve retention rates.


Legacy Supporter 7
Feb 1, 2011
New York
If there were houses floating over the void next to the bridges, I would like soil my pants or something. Please, Kainzo... That would be EXTREMELY EPIC! I would LOVE to buy a noble plot somewhere in Zeal.


Legacy Supporter 7
Jan 23, 2011
Came for the runecraft plugin (When we had it)
Stayed for the community

That pretty much sums up why I play on herocraft