At the moment, the 1.8 features are "very" on the fence. We will update as soon as we can but for now, we have the protocol patch that allows clients connecting from both.
Thanks to everyone who posted here, I like to know what you feel is important and I want to make these things a reality. The goal is to tie everything in so that players enjoy the server, feel connected and have a sense of community from playing here, whether its leveling with others, sieging towns or just building dorky puzzles.
The townships system is getting a COMPLETE revamp.
@Multitallented and I will be working on something to showcase within the month (sooner if able) - we will integrate it into the server, best we can.
The adventure beta server is still in the works, we will see an alpha server first for the Adventure team that will be "unplayable" but have the framework setup for the beta server to come in.
Balance and additional classes is somewhat of a highpriority, but player retention is the highest at this point. We don't have an issue getting plaeyrs into the server, we have a problem keeping them longer than 10-20 minutes. (This means that balance, classes, towns, etc don't mean anything to the common player that joins in for 5-10 minutes then leaves)