Yes, help and cooperation would be what we need going forward as I cannot do this alone.
Let's try and set up some time to discuss how we want to implement the HeroTEK server and test it till we find it's breaking points. I'm East Coast US, and it's almost 11pm here now, I work from home so I can be flexible if we want to setup a dev/design Tek-team and hold a Team Speak meeting of sorts... or just roll with it over forum/email/chat. I'm open to suggestions.
As for where we are now...
I spent most of this afternoon trying to cobble together a MC 1.3.2 'tek-style' server, but more than 1/2 the main mods are just not 1.3.2 ready and it ended up being more of a headache than it was worth. So, I ended up setting up the 'out of the box' 3.1.2 Tekkit server (MC1.2.5) for now and we can tweak as we test features or add/change content. I even took a crack at putting together a ported MCPC build from scratch and just ended up frustrating myself in the end.
On the side...
I am not one to mix words nor piss people off unnecessarily, if I do, I apologize. Kainzo has known me from back in the day when we were about 20 or so people playing and constantly having map wipes server issues, etc... He knows that once he puts me on a project, I don't bull shit around or try to flex e-peen, I just get it done. So, if I come off as abrasive or ask for clarification when things appear conflicting or don't make sense, it's just my 'work-mode' kicking in, nothing personal. All that matters is I love playing MC, Herocraft is da shizzle and I'd take a e-bullet for Kainzo.

So lets make this a rock'n Tek server worthy of a spot next to HC-Core !!