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Herocraft: Legends - Patch Notes for 1.1.0


The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven

Herocraft: Legends - Patch Notes for 1.1.0

⚔️ General Changes ⚔️​

- To celebrate this big milestone we're having 10% various packages off the HEROCRAFT STORE
- QUESTS! Are now available for players to complete for rewards!
- Health was buffed by an additional 20 per level resulting in players having an additional 1000 health by the time they reach 50.
- Tombstones no longer have a chance to delete items on death.
- Beehives should be breakable.
- Wands/Staffs now properly drop into Tombstones.
- Farming now drops the proper amount of souls!
- Enabled basic out of combat regen every 5s for players.
- Masteries can be lost on death, pad that exp!
- Projectiles now properly aggro and damage mobs on the first hit.
- Fix up the health-cost requirements for several skills (Bloodmage/Necromancer).
- All classes have had their mana/stamina regen per level adjusted.
- Fix a strange issue with the players not loading classes on join.
- Updated view distance of various entities to improve quality of life.
- Fixed Wellaria conquest point.
- Controlling Conquest points now give a 10% harvest production increase.
- Global Cool Down for Skills is now 0.25s from 0.50s.
- Bounties have returned for players to use!
- Port & Runestones now function!
- Subscribers now no longer lose levels on death!
- Diamond Subscribers no longer lose exp on death!

Dungeon Changes

- Gear Crafting Materials now drop earlier in the dungeons to prepare people for the next tier.
- Spawners at the first dungeon are now less lethal.
- Slightly increased the mob defenses as level is increased.
- Increased the drop rate of Gear Crafting materials overall in all dungeons.
- Adjusted health in all T2+ dungeons to be slightly less while increasing the exp rate in each.
- Bosses now have anti-exploit skills to summon if they can’t see you for a set duration of time.
- Bosses no longer teleport on such a quick timeline (sorry!).
- Dungeons now have longer spawn times for regular mobs.
- Mobs in dungeons now heal and reset threat on leash.
- Mobs now have a lower activation range in dungeons.
- All rares no longer can take fall damage or sun burn in dungeons.
- Dungeons now have longer spawn times for regular mobs.
- Mobs in dungeons now heal and reset threat on leash.
- Mobs now have a lower activation range in dungeons.
- Initial groundwork for UNIQUE weapons to drop from the new dungeon revamp.

⚙️ Gear Changes ⚙️

- Armor can now be repaired via Armor Repair Orbs.
- All items with 500 durability now have 1000 durability.
- CURSED modifiers now only roll on T6 gear.
- Magical range items (staff/wand) now only consume stamina on usage.
- Converting station is now up for new materials. All material crafts have been reduced by half across the board for Armor.
- All repair items now repair more across the board.
- Weapon / Armor Orbs Rank 1 can now be crafted by anyone next restart.
- Upgrading (Polishing/Refining) gear is now locked to Professions at certain levels, and new stations have been created in the Crafting District.
- Cost of Repair Orbs to create has been increased across the board.
- Repair orb drop rate has been decreased across the board.
- Magic Damage Reduction is now baseline on future gear dropped.
- Deconstructing item tiers now have a much better chance to give the proper tiered essence by a large margin!
- Polishing gear (+1) is now available via specific professions in the Crafting District.
- Several weapons have had their class restrictions changed.
- Several armor types have been adjusted (e.g., Monk no longer has leather; Berserker has leather; Guardian and Dragoon now have Plate; Warlord now has Chain for base gear).
- Weapon Speed now dictates the top-end damage of an item.
- All weapons now have a DPS calculation on the backend for the specific item level of that weapon.
- Crossbows now require loading of the bolt but now have their projectile hit the target more quickly.
- Adjust the magic-damage modifier to be less per piece but include critical strike chance in addition to magic damage.
- Reduced T6 damage and global speed on Crossbow from 1.0 to 0.
- New gemstones! Attack-Damage, Weapon-Speed, and Movement Speed (GREEN); PVE & PVP damage gems (YELLOW).
- Removed health rolls across the board for Weapons, now only mana is possible (this is due to a weird health glitch). Health will be compensated in other ways.
- Reduced level requirements for items across the board by 4 levels (e.g., Level 49 is now 45).
- RepairOrb II is now craftable at level 15 blacksmith instead of 25.
- Adjust material cost for all Repair Orbs.
- Fix Nether Mob drops to ensure they are scaled with the new Legends content.
- Scale nether mobs properly for exp drops.

⚔️ Class / Skill Changes ⚔️

- Fire Arrow / Ice Arrow are now only 100 mana.
- Per-level projectile damage has been given to Rangers.
- SerratedArrows damage increased from 95->250.
- IceVolley damage per level increased from 6->8.5.
- Envenom damage per level increased from 1->1.5.
- Camo, Gills, Maim, and ArrowStorm (55) added.
- Heartshot (60) added.
- Fixed ranger health scaling from 20 health per level to 43.

- Adjusted ground AE DOT abilities to be less damaging.
- DivineStun Duration no longer scales off Charisma, making it a 1.5-second stun rather than 3.5 seconds.
- ShieldReflect, Revive, DivineFury (55) added.
- HolySteed (60) added.

- Poison tick damage per level reduced from 3->1.5.
- Decay tick damage per level reduced from 3->2.
- Plague tick damage per level reduced from 3->1.5.
- Bonespear damage per level increased from 5->8.
- RaiseDemon (PET), DevouringDarkness, Nightmare (55) added.
- Soulreaper (55) added.

- AetherMissiles damage ramp increased.
- ManaMissiles likely needs to be replaced with a new spell.
- Icebolt, ManaShield, ChainLightning, ArcaneBlast, Blizzard, ArcaneStorm (55) added.

- All healing increased by 35%.
- Ordain wasn’t receiving additional healing as you leveled; it now does.
- Wrath, Invuln, FullHeal, ScaredHymm (55) added.
- GuardianAngel (60) added.

- Massive Healing buffs across the board.
- Innervate, Quake (55), Fulmination, Replenish, Port, Replenish (60) added.

- Barrier, Serenity, SafeFall, Meditate (55) added.

- ManaFreeze, DreadAura, ShadowStep (55), DreadSteed (60), Harrow (60) added.

- GrapplingHook, EscapeArtist, Blitz (55), Garrote (60) added.

- FlameShield, Fireblast, InfernoOrb, GreatCombustion, FireStorm (55) added.

- TimeRune, Entangle, Duskblade, BladeDance (55) added.

- MightyBlow, Maim, Inversion, Disgrace (55) added.
- Waterwalk (60) added.

- DropTheBass, ManaSong, HealingChorus, SonicBoom (55) added.

- DrainSoul, Constrict, BloodWell, Leech (55) added.
- SoulLeech (60) added.

️ Profession Changes ️

- Recipes are now enabled for GEM STONES (enchanter).
- Gear Deconstructor is now stackable!
- ALCHEMIST POTIONS - Health and Mana potions are now craftable!
- Weapon / Armor Orbs Rank 1 can now be crafted by anyone.
- Upgrading (Polishing/Refining) gear is now locked to Professions at certain levels, and new stations have been created in the Crafting District.
- RepairOrb II is now craftable at level 15 blacksmith instead of 25.
- Crafter now masters at level 10, rather than 20.
- The overall goal is to make the leveling experience faster for professions, appreciate the patience!
- Increased the overall speed of mining, farming, and brewing.
- Custom crafts now yield greatly increased exp!
- Polishing gear (+1) is now available via specific professions in the Crafting District.
- Several weapons have had their class restrictions changed.
- Several armor types have been adjusted (e.g., Monk no longer has leather; Berserker has leather; Guardian and Dragoon now have Plate; Warlord now has Chain for base gear).
- New gemstones! Attack-Damage, Weapon-Speed, and Movement Speed (GREEN); PVE & PVP damage gems (YELLOW).
- Deconstructing item tiers now have a much better chance to give the proper tiered essence by a large margin!
- Gems will no longer fail on socketing.
- Gems now have a high chance to give back crafting materials on deconstruct.
- Custom crafts now yield greatly increased exp!
- Repairing orbs crafting speed increased.

Economy Changes

- Controlling Conquest points now give a 10% harvest production increase.
- Minor increases to all mob silver drops globally.
- The overall goal is to make the leveling experience faster for professions.
- ALCHEMIST POTIONS - Health and Mana potions are now craftable!
- Crafter now masters at level 10, rather than 20.
- Global coin drops increased by 20% across the board.
- Reduced material costs for various crafts.
- Adjust material cost for all Repair Orbs.
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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
08-02-2024 - 1.0.1
- Gear Crafting Materials now drop earlier in the dungeons to prepare people for the next tier.
- Ranger's Fire Arrow / Ice Arrow are now only 100 mana
- Armor now can be repaired via Armor Repair Orbs
- Spawners at first dungeon are now less lethal
- Increased the drop rate of Gear Crafting materials overall in all dungeons
- Adjusted health in all T2+ dungeons to be slightly less while increasing the exp rate in each
- Bow and Crossbow now do signficiantly more damage
- All items with 500 duraability now has 1000 durability
- Tombstones no longer have a chance to delete items on death
- CURSED modifiers now only roll on T6 gear
- Converting station is now up for new materials, All material crafts have been reduced by half across the board for Armor
- All repair items now repair more across the board.
- Weapon / Armor Orbs Rank 1 can now be crafted by anyone next restart
- Adjusted Paladin/SK ground AE DOT abilities to be less damaging
- Adjusted Chaotic Visions to do less damage instead of multiple hits
- Bosses now have anti-exploit skills to summon if they cant see you for a set duration of time
- Beehives should be breakable
- Resolved issue with multiple crafting oddities, such as upgrading starter gear, etc.
- Wands/Staffs now properly drop into Tombstones

Week of 08-05-24 1.0.2
- Reduced the overall party exp bonus to all team mates from 25% to 5%
- Resolved some crafting oddities in stations
- Upgrading (Polishing/Refining) gear is now locked to Professions at certain levels and new stations have been created in the Crafting District.
- Per-level projectile damage has been given to Ranger's
- Cost of Repair Orbs to create has been increased across the board
- Repair orb droprate has been decreased across the board
- Farming drops the proper amount of souls now!
- Fix up the health-cost requirements for several skills Bloodmage / Necromancer
- Bosses no longer teleport on such a quick timeline (sorry!)
- Magical range items (staff/wand) no only consume stamina on usage
- All mobs no longer can take fall damage or sun burn in dungeons
- Slightly increased the mob defenses as level is increased
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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Patch 1.0.3 - 08-06-24
- AUCTION HOUSE! Find the auctioneer at exchange ---- use /ah sell #, this will usable only in Exchange soon.
- ALCHEMIST POTIONS - now Health and Mana pot are craftable!
- Recipes are now enabled for GEM STONES (enchanter)
- Gear Deconstructor is now stackable!


Total Balance changes effecting everybody
- Health was buffed by an additional 20 per level resulting in players having an additional 1000 health by the time they reach 50
- Magic Damage Reduction is now baseline on future gear dropped

Class Balance Changes

- Poison tick damage per level 3->1.5
- Decay tick damage per level 3->2
- Plague tick damage per level 3->1.5
- Bonespear damage per level 5->8

- DivineStun Duration no longer scales off Charisma ultimately making it a 1.5 second stun rather than 3.5 second stun

- All healing increased by 35%
- Ordain wasn't receiving additional healing as you leveled.. it now does.

- AetherMissiles damage ramp increased
- ManaMissiles(Likely needs to be replaced with a new spell)

- SerratedArrows damage 95->250
- IceVolley damage per level 6->8.5
- Envenom damage per level 1->1.5

- Massive Healing buffs across the board.

Additional Comments:
- Necromancer dots were scaling way too hard causing them to do far too much damage. Necromancer as a class should be doing a great deal of damage over time but it was simply far too much.
- Paladin's stun is normally known for its PvP utility and not for its PVE utility we think Paladin is in a really great spot however a 3.5 second stun duration was far too long.
- Cleric will be receiving more changes very very soon making it serve as a Mana management healer rather than a cooldown management healer, for the time being its healing was increased by 35% across the board.
- Wizard's we know about ender pearls, Wizards will likely be receiving a new passive aswell as a replacement to MagicMissiles.
- Time to kill was notable far too quick in both PVE and PVP Scenarios so an additional 1000 health was implemented to sustain this(may be adjusted further)
- Magic weapons are basically doing true damage and has no way to avoid it so a flat Magic damage reduction is being implemented baseline on future gear.
Bugs that are noted
- BladeGrasp isn't working properly
- HeroicThrow is applying weapon damage when it shouldn't
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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Patch 1.0.4
- Dungeons now have longer spawn times for regular mobs.
- Mobs in dungeons now heal and reset threat on leash.
- Mobs now have a lower activation range in dungeons
- Adjust material cost for all Repair Orbs
- Prepare item code for the new assets coming!
- Disable and hide map chat
- Township debugging to understand issues with sub-plot system
- Various command improvements for Admins for Heroes
- Properly handle Exp Potion timer expiration
- Fix a strange issue with the players not loading classes on join
- Fix Nether Mob drops to ensure they are scaled with the new Legends content
- Scale nether mobs properly for exp drops
- You can now only use the auction house while at the Exchange in spawn (removed /ah search)
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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Patch 1.0.5
- Removed the "root" from Ice Elemental damage.
- RepairOrb II is now craftable at level 15 blacksmith instead of 25
- Rares are now immune to fall damage
- Tradepacks now give Profession exp not Combat exp, unless specified on the pack.
- Increased the rewards for Criminal turn-ins on all tradepacks, Increased the consolation for the creator not turning in.
- Push changes to all weaponTypes. Several things resolved with the weapon modifier rolling so that Daggers/Lutes/Whips/etc couldnt be 2H and instead gave it the "focused" modifer to grant crit/crit power instead of speed and damage.
- Added Monk to Greatstaffs and removed Beguiler.
- Removed ShadowKnights from Daggers
- Removed health rolls across the board for Weapons, now only mana is possible (this is due to a weird health glitch), health will be compensated in other ways
- Reduced level requirements for items across the board by 4. Level 49 is now 45, etc
- New gemstones! Attack-Damage, Weapon-Speed and Movement Speed (GREEN), PVE & PVP damage gems (YELLOW)
- Deconstructing item tiers now has a much better chance to give the proper tiered essence by a large margin!
- Remove Paladin/SK from Crossbow, add Berserker / Warlord
- Reduced T6 damage and reduce global speed on Crossbow from 1.0 to 0.
- Remove Bard from SWORD and add Warlord
- Enabled basic out of combat regen every 5s for players.
- Polishing gear (+1) is now available vai specific professions in the Crafting District
- Subscribers now no longer lose levels on death!
- Masteries can be lost on death, pad that exp!
- 10+ enchant skills are now available for Enchanters. They are UNABLE to enchant most tiered gears. > possible enchants https://mclo.gs/MeYQqN0
- Gems will no longer fail on socketing
- Gems will now have a high chance to give back crafting materials on deconstruct
- Support PREFIX Titles are now properly granted from http://hc.to/store
- Projectiles now properly will aggro and damage mob on first hit
- Fix ranger health scaling from 20 health per level to 43.
- Runestones hotfixed (once again!)
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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Patch 1.0.6 thru 1.1.0 - Quests, Class & Gear Revamps (now on /server test)

Class Changes

- Cast bars are now in for all skills! See the remaining cast on your action bar!
- All classes have had their mana/stamina regen per levels adjusted
- Bard: gained DroptheBass, Manasong, HealingChorus and SonicBoom (55)
- Beguiler: Add Replenish and Fauxbomb (When regained skill jar)
- Bloodmage: Drainsoul, Constrict, Bloodwell, Leech (55) SoulLeech (60)
- Cleric: Added Wrath, Invuln, FullHeal, ScaredHymm (55) GuardianAngel (60)
- Dragoon: Added Lunarlance (55) Spear, PiercingStrike
- Druid: Innvervate, Quake (55), Fulmination, Replenish, Port, Replenish (60)
- Monk: Barrier, Serenity, SafeFall, Meditate (55)
- ShadowKnight: MAnafreeze, Dreadaura, ShadowStep (55), DreadSteed (60, Harrow (60)
- Necromancer: RaiseDemon (PET) DevouringDarkness, Nightmare (55), Soulreaper (55)
- Ninja: Grapplinghook, EscapeArtist, Blitz (55), Garrote (60)
- Paladin: ShieldReflect, Revive, DivineFury (55), HolySteed (60)
- Pyromancer: Flameshield, Fireblast, InfernoOrb, GreatCombustion, FireStorm (55)
- Ranger: Camo, Gills, Maim, ArrowStorm (55), Heartshot (60)
- Runeblade: TimeRune, Entangle, Duskblade, BladeDance (55)
- Samurai: Mightyblow, Main, Inversion, Disgrace (55), Waterwalk (60)
- Wizard: Icebolt, MAnashield, ChianLightning, Arcaneblast, Blizzard, Arcanestorm (55)

Profession Changes
- Crafter now masters at level 10, rather than 20
- The overall goal is to make the leveling experience FASTER for professions, appreciate the patience!
- Increased the overall speed of mining, farming and brewing.
- Custom crafts now yield greatly increased exp!

Gear Changes
- Several weapons have had their class restrictions changed.
- Several armor types have been adjusted, Monk no longer has leather, Berserker has leather, Guardian and Dragoon now have Plate and Warlord now has Chain for the base gear.
- Weapon Speed now dictates the top end damage of an item.
- All weapons now have a DPS calculation on the backend for the specific item level of that weapon.
- Crossbows now require loading of the bolt but now have their projectile hit the target more quickly
- Initial ground work for UNIQUE weapons to drop from the new dungeon revamp
- Adjust speed for muskets and recoil
- Adjust the magic-damage modifier to be less per piece but include critical strike chance in addition to the magic damage

- Several quests are now available for players to complete for rewards!

Misc Fixes
- Really fixed Port skill this time.
- Bounty has returned!
- Fixed Wellaria conquest point
- Controlling Conquest points now give 10% harvest production increase
- Updated view distance of various entities to improve quality of life
- Global Cool Down for Skills is now 0.25 from 0.50
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The Disposable Hero
Staff member
Adventure Team
Jan 7, 2011
The 7th Circle of Heaven
Lowered Boomingvoice healing from 5 -> 1 per level
Lowered MelodicBindings tick damage from 6 -> 3 per level
Fixed Accented Strikes to allow Lead usage
Added damage per level to Accented Strikes
Removed mana gain from battlesong (because manasong was readded)
Increased Accelerando duration to 15
Increased Voidsong range to 8
Increased Voidsong warmup to 2.5 seconds
Increased HealingChorus cooldown from 10 ->15 seconds
Increased Manasong and Battlesong cooldowns to 15 seconds
Increased MelodicBinding warmup from 1 -> 2 seconds

Removed damage from FauxBomb
Increased damage radius on Plaguebomb from 5 -> 8
Increased range of ChaoticVisions
Increased range on Beguile
Increased “Max Drift” on Beguile (this will be fun)
Increased range on Piggify from 10 -> 12
Increased radius of Masspiggify from 5 -> 8
Added warmups to MassPiggify, ChaoticVisions, Replenish, Clarity
Swapped skill learn order of might, replenish, and clarity

Increase SiphonBlood Range to 15
Lowered CombustBlood tick damage
Increased CombustBlood range to 12
Increased Boilblood range to 12
Lowered Boilblood tick damage
Increased Infusion range to 10
Increased Drainsoul range to 14
Added warmup to BoilBlood, Infusion, Constrict, and Drainsoul
Removed Bloodwell (this was a berserker skill)

Increased Faith’s healing percentage
Increased Smite damage to undead
Increased Sacredword distance to 16
Increased Radiance base healing
Increased SacredTouch scaling
Increased SacredTouch range to 12
Increased Wrath undead damage
Removed DivineRuination
Increased warmup of Sacredword, Sacredtouch, Fullheal, DivineBlessing

Increased safefall of DragonsGift
Increased Jump distance slightly
Added correct weapons to Impale, Cleave, PiercingStrike, Spear
Added scaling to RisingLance
Lowered PiercingStrike % damage
Added scaling to Culling
Increased SeismicAssault base damage
Swapped Jump/Impale skill order
Increased cooldown of Spear
Added/Increased warmups of Tremor, DragonSmash, SuperJump, Spear, and Seismicassault

Increased Regrowth tick healing
Increased Rejuvenate range
Increased Fulmination range
Increased Fulmination scaling
Increased Earthwall duration from 5 -> 8 seconds
Added Scaling to HealingBloom
Added scaling on YggdrasilsTouch
Decreased Cooldown of Entangle
Added/increased warmup to Ire, Fulmination, Rejuvenate, Regrowth, Port, Healingbloom, YggdrasilsTouch, and Replenish
Swapped skill order of Replenish and GiftofEir

Increased range of Forcepull from 6 -> 8
Increased range of Renewal from 8 -> 10
Increased base healing of Renewal
Increased range of Serenity from 5 -> 8 blocks
Increased Serenity scaling
Increased % damage increase of Quiveringpalm from 15 -> 30%
Increased Barrier duration from 3 -> 5 seconds
Added/Increased warmups for Chakra, Ironfist, Renewal, Serenity, and Balance
Swapped skill order of Chakra, Forcepush, and Forcepull

Increased Bonespear range from 15 -> 18 blocks
Lowered Poison range from 24 -> 16
Increase Decay range from 8 -> 12
Lowered Decay scaling
Increase DevouringDarkness radius to 8
Increase Plague tick damage
Increase Despair Duration from 2.5 -> 3 seconds
Add/Increase warmup of Decay, Poison, Drainsoul, Despair, Harmshield, Plague, Hellgate, and DevouringDarkness

Increased Incise damage per armor point from 5 -> 7.5
Increased Grapplinghook duration
Slightly increased Blackjack stealthy stun duration
Increased Blind duration from 2 -> 3 seconds
Increased minimum combat level of Deathmark
Added slight warmup to Blackjack

Increased Absolution range from 8 -> 10
Increased Absolution scaling
Increased Consecration radius
Lowered Consecration scaling
Increase Divinestun duration from 1.5 -> 2 seconds
Lower Divinestun damage by 100
Add/Increase warmup on Absolution, Consecration, DivineStun, Revive, Judgement, and Layhands

Increase Lavaskin fire reduction
Increase Flamedash Distance
Added scaling to Flametouch
Increased Combust fire effectiveness from 200 -> 400
Increased Darkbolt Radius from 4 -> 8
Increase stun of GreatCombustion from 1.5 -> 2.5 seconds
Increase radius of GreatCombustion from 3 -> 5
Remove warmup from InfernoOrb
Decreased Great Combustion cooldown from 40 -> 30 seconds
Added scaling to Firenado
Added/Increased warmup to Firenado, Hellgate, Dragonsbreath, GreatCombustion
Swapped Combust/InfernoOrb skill order

Reduced Aimshot distance from 40 -> 25 blocks
Increased mana drain of FireArrow from 1 -> 50 per shot
Increased direct hit damage from Explosive Shot from 50 -> 150
Increased target mana/stamina drain from RuptureShot
Increased mana cost per shot of RuptureShot from 1 -> 100
Swap AimedShot and ExplosiveShot in skill order
Add/Increase warmup to Aimedshot and Trap

Increase DevourMagic ratio from 25 -> 30%
Add Scaling to ToxicRune
Removed PVE scaling from Toxicrune
Increase Flash distance from 8 -> 10
Increase Runeword bonus from 20 -> 25%
Add warmup to Entangle and Runeword

Added Axe to MortalWound
Lowered MortalWound tick damage by half
Removed Stun from Charge
Increased MightyBlow Scaling by 1 per level
Added Netherite Sword to Maim
Remove Inversion
Increase Attribute gains of Honor (5 -> 10)
Increase duration of Masamune from 10 -> 12 seconds
Moved Masamune up in skill order

Increase Dread chance from 5 -> 15%
Increase SoulLeech distance from 8 -> 10 blocks
Lowered SoulLeech tick damage from 3.0 -> 1.5 per level
Increase Atrophy distance from 6 -> 8 blocks
Lowered Atrophy tick damage from 2.0 -> 1.5 per level
Increased Empathy base and max damage
Increase Desecration radius from 5 -> 8
Lowered Dreadaura tick damage per level from 6 -> 3
Increased Harmtouch health cost from 75 -> 400
Increase Harmtouch scaling from 6 -> 8 damage per level
Add/Increase warmups of SoulLeech, Atrophy, Desecration, and Terror

Remove ManaMissile (redundant skill with wands in the game)
Added Scaling to Icebolt
Increase Pulse radius from 8 -> 12 blocks
Increase Pulse base damage from 100 -> 150
Increased Bolt scaling from 6 -> 12 per level
Increased MegaBolt scaling from 6 -> 9 per level
Increased AetherMissile base damage
Increase Arcaneblast range from 8 -> 12
Increased Arcaneblast scaling from 6 -> 16
Added/Increased Warmup of Pulse, Port, Bolt, MegaBolt, ChainLightning
Moved Icebolt to level 1
Rearranged some skill order