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Suggestion Herocraft future?


Senior Staff
Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 7
Apr 1, 2013
i also think theres value in letting the best pvpers run balance, the best pvpers have better knowledge, technical experience evidently of classes than most.
i never understood why people on balance/staff werent the kinds of people you would never see dominating pvp or actually playing the game.
there was staff that don't really play, but are just forum/chat goblin moderators.

i miss c12, wish he ran balance again. he should be offered balance since he was banned wrongly.

'big picture' true yet ironic

weekly balance notes.
shizz was a good pvper and him and c12 him and the tc did balancing.
This is a ridiculous post and you know it's a ridiculous one lol. You keep mentioning a history of corruption between staff and TC but want ONE pvp town, was tied to corruption AND hasn't been active in a minimum of 7 years now to run the show? None of them have even logged in or shown interest in playing the server.

Also Irish and the people that did work on balance in reborn and a few maps over the years did play the game and were the ones pvp'ing, they did a pretty good job in my opinion and I thank them for it. The whole who is "dominating" at pvp arguments are ridiculous and would change wildly when we take hacking out of the equation and people have an honest unbiased discussion about it which I think is impossible when discussing group pvp in the past if we pulled up ban appeals, old hacking reports and referencing confessions from people after they quit the server.
Hey relax I’m still alright at this game...

But yeah a lot of the bottleneck is with getting these damned bugs fixed - to be upfront, not a ton of motivation for config/design guys to be pushing stuff when we’re basically in a holding pattern waiting for bugs to get fixed. We’ll meet sometime soon and discuss a roadmap and a better plan for communicating with everyone here


Balance Team
Legacy Supporter 6
Apr 10, 2012
United States
i seldom answer criticisms these days. If i did for everyone I wouldn't have enough time for constructive work.
however, since I know you are a man of sincerity, I will answer in what I hope to be a respectful response.
you read into it too much. definitely not saying 1 town for balance. we already talked about who was hacking and yeah, i agree with you they really dont matter. it's not about dominate groups, but about people who walk the walk and talk the talk. People who's opinions evidently have more weight to back them(experience, mastery, and success). too much talking is the message. we all have seen who has been on the beta and who hasnt. we have seen the developments in beta that are there and that arent there. these hacking reports are a great reference, because i dont remember a lot of punishments for hacking reports, but i do remember making them. i do remember delf criticizing the lack of anticheat once put onto staff.
anyways, the past is also the past. we all reminisence on some of the good things from the past. I just didnt think 8 years later i would look back and realize so much about the nature of things(even the balance team in the past had too much talk, all goblins trying to elevate themselves, but messed things up because they wanted to argue about the sake of things instead of having a good lead like c12 was to make real decisions for the benefit of the whole. upsetting, but funnily enough we still have the same problems. (coding + balancing)
right now what are the problems besides, balancing, lack of coders? I shat on reborn in the past, but wasnt around to give it a real chance. I admit it!
what's being done to get more coders, balancing is what we should talk about and argue about.
that is our bottleneck is it not?
we have people in the community making posts about the desire for the future to be better and their suggestions, but not a lot of answers.
shouldn't be this way but many representatives are no longer here (likely for the same reasons as in the past, work, quitting, or are just gone, or maybe fed up with trying like in reborn.
irish, you, and delta, and mystic have done a great job.
I guess what i should really say is that i hope that you guys get more of the people that walk the walk such as yourselves.

Yeah Reborn in my opinion was a success that kickstarted was because Delf, Detar, Mystic, Myself, and a team of others were back, dedicated and working very hard on it. We had completely fresh classes a lot of them were stored away in favor of bringing back the old ones.

I wish you played reborn and gave it a fair shot and saw all the new classes we designed a lot of them were super cool and the fights we did have with Umbra, Irish's town and some other towns were a lot of fun. It was something I was completely surprised by and didn't think that first month of reborn would give me that excitement herocraft gave me back in the day but it did, it was nice to play again and have something to sink my time into I had a lot of fun while it lasted. Reborns success was the proof I needed that I can see herocraft succeeding again and having a flourishing player base it once had and why I am back here interested in helping where I can.

All the feedback on the forums isn't going ignored, I have been talking with people in game. Been debating in discord DM's about balance and noting down a ton of feedback while also engaging actively in discussions. There just is a ton of bugs with skills right now, and heroes itself that would need to take priority. I think balancing classes while abilities are still broken isn't a healthy way to adjust classes. When a lot of these bugs get cleaned up it will turn into buffs and nerfs for classes. Most classes are benefitting or being harmed by bugs currently due to a lot of skills that have bugs so adjusting values before these bugs get fixed isn't really the best way to approach it right now.

I'd like to point out and this 100% not directed at you but in general for everyone to read, the server is in beta and October 1st was advertised as a tentative release date from the very beginning. I've heard of and seen personally lots of "feedback" in O chat followed with frustration and insults, none of that is helpful. A beta test is going to have issues it's expected hence why we are in beta and not launched. The feedback is best heard on the forums so it can be referenced later and it should be done constructively, not an emotionally charged post raging about random stuff which I have witnessed from a few people in o chat and on the forums. When it gets discussed in game it gets drowned out and not everything is seen. None of us are logged in 24.7, that's why we have forum pages and discord channels if you want to open up bug reports through discord.

I agree I think the communication can be improved on, however making a forum post every time a bug is fixed or a skill is tweaked and adjusted numerically is a little over the top. I am happy with constructing a forum post before release with all the bugs that were fixed regarding classes, and balance changes or I can send that information over to Irish and I'm sure he would be willing to make a post as well but when we get to that point but please remember we're still in testing and this isn't a launched server so there's a lot of issues and a lot of changes that need to be done.

Nobody on the staff team is happy with the bugs and I personally think there's a lot of issues currently and wouldn't feel comfortable advocating for a release in its current state. Everybody on staff working right now is doing it voluntarily and they all have and share the same passion for the server as everyone else, at the end of the day I think we all want to see it succeed. So please continue posting feedback constructively, there has been a large amount of players posting very helpful feedback and speaking for myself I been reading all of it. This would be a completely different story if the server was released with the amount of issues currently but it's not we're in a testing phase so when posting feedback and criticisms keep that in mind and keep it constructive and helpful.

As for getting more help, I have no control over accepting applications but I'm sure if people want to help beyond providing feedback they can apply on the forums or speak to Kainzo directly, I don't think there's any harm in having more help at the moment for coders etc. so yeah we could use it in those areas.
Last edited:
Aug 19, 2021
Beverly Hills
Yeah Reborn in my opinion was a success that kickstarted was because Delf, Detar, Mystic, Myself, and a team of others were back, dedicated and working very hard on it. We had completely fresh classes a lot of them were stored away in favor of bringing back the old ones.

I wish you played reborn and gave it a fair shot and saw all the new classes we designed a lot of them were super cool and the fights we did have with Umbra, Irish's town and some other towns were a lot of fun. It was something I was completely surprised by and didn't think that first month of reborn would give me that excitement herocraft gave me back in the day but it did, it was nice to play again and have something to sink my time into I had a lot of fun while it lasted. Reborns success was the proof I needed that I can see herocraft succeeding again and having a flourishing player base it once had and why I am back here interested in helping where I can.

All the feedback on the forums isn't going ignored, I have been talking with people in game. Been debating in discord DM's about balance and noting down a ton of feedback while also engaging actively in discussions. There just is a ton of bugs with skills right now, and heroes itself that would need to take priority. I think balancing classes while abilities are still broken isn't a healthy way to adjust classes. When a lot of these bugs get cleaned up it will turn into buffs and nerfs for classes. Most classes are benefitting or being harmed by bugs currently due to a lot of skills that have bugs so adjusting values before these bugs get fixed isn't really the best way to approach it right now.

I'd like to point out and this 100% not directed at you but in general for everyone to read, the server is in beta and October 1st was advertised as a tentative release date from the very beginning. I've heard of and seen personally lots of "feedback" in O chat followed with frustration and insults, none of that is helpful. A beta test is going to have issues it's expected hence why we are in beta and not launched. The feedback is best heard on the forums so it can be referenced later and it should be done constructively, not an emotionally charged post raging about random stuff which I have witnessed from a few people in o chat and on the forums. When it gets discussed in game it gets drowned out and not everything is seen. None of us are logged in 24.7, that's why we have forum pages and discord channels if you want to open up bug reports through discord.

I agree I think the communication can be improved on, however making a forum post every time a bug is fixed or a skill is tweaked and adjusted numerically is a little over the top. I am happy with constructing a forum post before release with all the bugs that were fixed regarding classes, and balance changes or I can send that information over to Irish and I'm sure he would be willing to make a post as well but when we get to that point but please remember we're still in testing and this isn't a launched server so there's a lot of issues and a lot of changes that need to be done.

Nobody on the staff team is happy with the bugs and I personally think there's a lot of issues currently and wouldn't feel comfortable advocating for a release in its current state. Everybody on staff working right now is doing it voluntarily and they all have and share the same passion for the server as everyone else, at the end of the day I think we all want to see it succeed. So please continue posting feedback constructively, there has been a large amount of players posting very helpful feedback and speaking for myself I been reading all of it. This would be a completely different story if the server was released with the amount of issues currently but it's not we're in a testing phase so when posting feedback and criticisms keep that in mind and keep it constructive and helpful.

As for getting more help, I have no control over accepting applications but I'm sure if people want to help beyond providing feedback they can apply on the forums or speak to Kainzo directly, I don't think there's any harm in having more help at the moment for coders etc. so yeah we could use it in those areas.
keep up the good work, i support you all!