- Joined
- Jan 7, 2011
- Location
- The 7th Circle of Heaven
Herocraft has been going quite strong! We've had over 20 towns setup so far and a ton of hot hardcore action! I hope you guys are thoroughly enjoying Bastion Keep and the starter quests! We wanted to make sure you guys saw the latest notes and updates. Patch 4.03 will go live with the next restart.

Patch 4.01:

Patch 4.01:
- Adding Emerald Ore (80) to mining exp list.
- Resolved rubber-band issues on movement checks.
- Level 10 now starts PVP=ON, it was level 11 for some reason
- Adding additional quest NPCs to Bastion spawn
- Noble Plots being added, 7 day rental 300-500 per rent.
- Tombstones being LWC'd forever fixed.
- Mob Spawns should now grant 150xp (Mining) when broken.
- Feeding Villagars beefcake mix to have x3 the health!
- Gravely resolved issues with outer graveyards not respawning players correctly.
- HeroTowns protection -> http://imgur.com/vI6gL (Radius = 4, smallest)
- Initial quests added in Bastion! Re-doable every 20 hrs for most of them.
- Track has a little more "randomness" when giving results so its not as fine grained.
- Resolved HeroTowns not creating the protection automatically.
- Increasing talking range of NPCs for quest related matters.
- Fixed the issue of Rogue + Smith doing absurd damage.
- Crafters are now able to successfully use permission-skills! (Resolved in bPerms)
- Resolved the Tombstone Chest locking timer not being applied at creation.
- Slightly increased the melee damage of Warriors / Healers / Casters
- Resolved HeroTowns issue with distance between town claims being too far.
- Really fixed Tombstone LWC timer this time.
- Added block requirements to Townships. List for exact requirements coming soon!
- ChestShops once again cost 50c per chestshop and refunds 40c.
- Whitelisted members now are unaffected by the Captcha.
- Tweaked various other things in regards to Nocheat activity for better capturing.
- Integrated pvp-logging punishment to HeroFeatures. It should outright kill anyone who logs while in combat. Thanks @mung3r
- Added enter/exit messages to HeroTowns regions
- Added /town setrank <playername> guest for Mayors to allow users to be guests on their region (needs testing)
- Disabled massive thunderstorms, rain should still work.
- Added /unbind - as an alias of /bind - can now just /unbind - to clear a bind.
- Scribes can now use SHEARS and F-RODS
- Crafter Specializations now have the ability to use flint/steel.
- Fireblade now works with axes for Pyromancers.
- TNT now properly damages players / creatures. (It's deadly!)
- Resolved Cauldron issues for Alchemist - should be very brewy! More here
- Farmers can now successfully breed animals.
- Citizens now properly leave the region permission when leaving a town.
- Thievery is now working watch your back!
- Runeblade's "Runeword" skill now functional and increases magic damage on the target.
- Mystic is now selectable after mastering Healer.
- HeroTown region is now the appropriate chunks, resolved missing chunks in the math. (This will be auto-resolved when you upgrade your town or a new town is created)
- TNT currently will not do block damage, but still damage Players/Mobs. (TNT regen will be in shortly!)
- Port:Spawn - now has a 99% chance not to kill you!
- Lowered tax amount from Hamlet to 350c from 500c
- Masons can now make Sandstone bridges.
- Added /town tax - to state the next tax time and amount due.
- Fixed tax timer counting up and not down.
- Drainsoul tweaked to have a higher cd, a tad more mana and less massive gain per level.
- HeroTowns, fixed an issue with town members being removed from their town unexpectedly.
- Implemented a cron-job to resolve server lag every 30 minutes.
- Fixed Ninja-bow damage.
- Better handling of PVP-Logging punishment.
- Added new voting site! http://tiny.cc/hco4
- Admins can now disable Death Messages for events, /dtp msg off|on
- Fixed Shears not properly working unless you were a Farmer. (fixed on restart)
- EscapeArtist now grants 30% movement speed for a short period if used after breaking a slowing effect. (fixed on restart)