It's okay, you were.I feel singled out.

It's okay, you were.I feel singled out.
That's hilarious. When I mentioned Fool in the Judge post, I was totally thinking about Bard/Beguiler. I may yet churn that one out.For a Caster-Rogue combination the two most viable combinations, in my opinion, would be Bard and Beguiler. Not only for the skills they have but really for the fact the two classes would compliment each other well. They'd end up becoming something more of a Jester than anything else. Or maybe a Harlequin for some character flavor since they are traditionally 'mute' and would in some ways be a better match since they generally carried prop swords and wands.
Yeah, Bloodmage-Ninja, I would think, for the Vampire. I like all these ideas - Keep 'em up.That's hilarious. When I mentioned Fool in the Judge post, I was totally thinking about Bard/Beguiler. I may yet churn that one out.
And of course that would leave us with Rogue-Healer, with Ninja, Ranger, Disciple and Bloodmage unused. There's lots of potential there, Bloodmage in particular is fun for this stuff. That Vampire class is a possibility.
Ranger and Disciple = Witch Hunter. HOLY SHIT I'D LOVE THAT.
Thematically, I did that with Inquisitor. But Vampire's been done, alternate ideas would be good.Ranger and Disciple = Witch Hunter. HOLY SHIT I'D LOVE THAT.
Me likey, haha.Got a funny idea in my head- Vanilla MC players (with some tweaks) as an HC class. This takes into account the new changes to HP too, although maybe not very well as I'm not used to it yet.
One infused with the power that Heroes possessed before the Division of Talents. Before then, such a person would have been considered mundane. Now, however...
~Unlocked by Mastering Lost Soul, Warrior, Rogue, Caster, Healer, Alchemist, Enchanter, Smith, and Engineer.
Max HP: 1000
Uses Stamina
Diamond Armor
Weapons: Diamond Sword- 100HP, Bow- 175HP.
[Stevite is both a Class and a Profession. Changing class or profession reverts the other to Lost Soul or Crafter, respectively]
Class Skills:
Prof Skills:
- Fire Charge- Launch Fire Charge as though it were a Fireball. 150hp initial, 5 ticks of 10hp from ignition.
- Fishing Expert- Passive, can hook mobs and players with a Fishing Rod.
- Potions Expert- Passive, can utilize a potion once every 45 seconds and throw Splash Potions.
- Milk Drink- Consuming Milk heals the user for 250hp, removes all debuffs and renders the user immune to poison effects, silence, and slow (but not stop) effects for 30 seconds.
- Legendary Fist- User's next fist attack deals 250hp and knocks the enemy away.
- Mark
- Recall
- Shears
- Lava Bucket
- Overgrowth
- Enchant- As it is on Enchanter.
- Repair- As it is on Smith.
- Alchemy- As it is on Alchemist.
- Excavate- As it is on Miner.
- Redstone Expert- Can place Repeaters and Pistons.
As far as I'm aware they don't, though I could be wrong.New Thief skill: RedPulse- targeted block toggles it's redstone state for 2-5 seconds. Consumes 1 redstone torch, cooldown 90 seconds.
Used for sneaking into protected areas. It, like everything else, can be countered- one iron door is going to be useless, but two will severely hamper the thief's ability to get in. Piston doors are secure so long as the piston itself is hidden. The only issue I could see is whether LWC'd doors react to redstone. I haven't done science on them that way yet.
Heres my Idea for hybrid specs