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[Hamlet] Windhelm [12] {Neutral} {SKY} - RECRUITING!


Jun 21, 2012
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Riskonix
  2. How long have you played HC? Started not long ago
  3. How old are you? 16
  4. Why do you want to join Windhelm? I like Skyrim and I'm looking for a town
  5. Other Towns you were part of? None
  6. What class are you? Rogue
  7. Future spec plans (class and profession)? Bard and Enchanter
  8. How often are you active in game? Almost every day
  9. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement each week? Yes
  10. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? No sorry
  11. Have you read our rules? Yes


Legacy Supporter 7
Nov 17, 2011
In your mothers pants
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Riskonix
  2. How long have you played HC? Started not long ago
  3. How old are you? 16
  4. Why do you want to join Windhelm? I like Skyrim and I'm looking for a town
  5. Other Towns you were part of? None
  6. What class are you? Rogue
  7. Future spec plans (class and profession)? Bard and Enchanter
  8. How often are you active in game? Almost every day
  9. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement each week? Yes
  10. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? No sorry
  11. Have you read our rules? Yes

Get teamspeak, it will make herocraft 5x more fun ^_^


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 24, 2012
Haines Shitty
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? Riskonix
  2. How long have you played HC? Started not long ago
  3. How old are you? 16
  4. Why do you want to join Windhelm? I like Skyrim and I'm looking for a town
  5. Other Towns you were part of? None
  6. What class are you? Rogue
  7. Future spec plans (class and profession)? Bard and Enchanter
  8. How often are you active in game? Almost every day
  9. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement each week? Yes
  10. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? No sorry
  11. Have you read our rules? Yes

Accepted :D Get with me in game and I'll get you situated.

If you can, get teamspeak later. Do you have skype or MSN? It'll make explaining everything much easier.
Jun 21, 2012
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? SilentTemper
  2. How long have you played HC? one day...
  3. How old are you? 13, turning 14 in 24 days.
  4. Why do you want to join Windhelm? I am a personal fan of Skyrim, and I LOVE roleplaying.
  5. Other Towns you were part of? None...
  6. What class are you? Theif
  7. Future spec plans (class and profession)? Ninja? (New really don't understand what that means)
  8. How often are you active in game? Uh, everyday, at least I hope to.
  9. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement each week? Yes.
  10. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? No, but I can get it, and yes.
  11. Have you read our rules? Yes. And I agree.


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 24, 2012
Haines Shitty
where are you ? lol
Sorry, we had some issues with a townie having a bounty posted on his head so i had to take care of that. If you're on tomorrow, get with me or Guardian787 in game.

@SilentTemper Accepted but wait a bit before coming to the town. A wizard who had his mark set in our town just recalled with some friends and is wrecking havoc. :(


Jun 16, 2011
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? TheGameFreak_
  2. How long have you played HC? I was whitelisted a year and 6 days ago
  3. How old are you? 15
  4. Why do you want to join Windhelm? Well, I've been on many minecraft servers. Everyone of those servers had some sort of faction, town or nation system, and I always joined the one that was sky related. This town seems really interesting, and it looks like all the members are really nice. I really wish to join a town and contribute. Also, I filled out a 30 minute application to join what is considered one of the best role-play minecraft servers (not role-play game server, Herocraft beats all other servers by a long shot), so I feel my grasp on role-play is pretty good.
  5. Other Towns you were part of? Attempted to join Raubtier, was directed to Blight, where I was then directed to other towns, that I wasn't really interested in joining, so techincally, no.
  6. What class are you? Caster (Level 19)
  7. Future spec plans (class and profession)? Ooo... this is a hard one. I have two different combinations of specs that I would like to be. The first one is Geomancer and Mason, and the second one is Necromancer and Alchemist, but I won't be sure until I master caster.
  8. How often are you active in game? I was never active before, which is probably why you have never heard of me, but I'm really hoping to have this server become my main, since all other servers were shut down by trolls and other things.
  9. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement each week? Of course
  10. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? Yes I do. This may be a stupid question though... but what exactly is the TS ip? The information sent to me a year ago by AfroDave no longer works.
  11. Have you read our rules? Yes, I have.
Jun 21, 2012
Vidoo's home
  1. What is your IGN ? classycreeper
  2. How long have you played HC? Since 6/21/2012. I know it's not that long, but I've already got everything figured out and am quickly leveling.
  3. How old are you? 16
  4. Why do you want to join Windhelm? Well; the main reason would be that I simply need a place to live. The second being I love the name, as I'm a fan of the Elder Scroll series.
  5. Other Towns you were part of? None, so far.
  6. What class are you? Warrior.
  7. Future spec plans? Dragoon/Enchanter
  8. How often are you active in game? If there's nothing that needs tending to in real life (which is either weight-lifting/furthering my studies) I'll probably be playing minecraft.
  9. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement each week? Of course.
  10. Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic? Yes.
  11. Have you read our rules? Yup.


Jun 22, 2012
  1. What is your IGN (case sensitive)? M1k3anat0r
  2. How long have you played HC? A week
  3. How old are you? 15
  4. Why do you want to join Windhelm? It seems like a nice place and I was a storm cloak in Skyrim also I need a better place to live :D
  5. Other Towns you were part of? None
  6. What class are you? Warrior
  7. Future spec plans (class and profession)? my class will be a Paladin, and my profession will be a smith or miner
  8. How often are you active in game? Every day or two
  9. Are you ok with paying a tax requirement each week? Yes
  10. Have you read our rules? Yes


Legacy Supporter 8
Apr 24, 2012
Haines Shitty
@Riskonix, @M1k3anat0r, @classycreeper, @Gamefreak:

Get with me in the game ASAP and I'll get you all set up. Maybe we'll get to do a group tour? :D
Try to get on at around 1pm EST. If you can, get to Windhelm (NE Quadrant/Herogate portal from spawn, coords 1900 , -3100.). If you can't, chill out in the Nexus and I'll come to get you and direct you to Windhelm.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow! I'll start preparing some newbie packages for you all! :D

Alright, it seems that nobody got on when I was available. If you get on later while I'm not online, Message Guardian787 to get set up in the town if he's on and available.
For the possible night-owls: I'll be back on maybe at 12am EST. Thanks :D