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[Hamlet] VALOR [41] [Neutral]


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 27, 2011
Hey guys, can we stop killing people from Konoha please? It's not that hard to figure out where someone is from. Either ask them in game, /town who (name), or check out their thread. http://herocraftonline.com/forum/index.php?threads/hamlet-konoha-20-neutral-recruiting.11476/

We shouldn't be killing everyone we don't know.
I've always greeted people if I meet them to make better relations and that is how I got into this town so it is a good idea what Nadastorm said.


Legacy Supporter 2
Jun 7, 2011
Hey guys, can we stop killing people from Konoha please? It's not that hard to figure out where someone is from. Either ask them in game, /town who (name), or check out their thread. http://herocraftonline.com/forum/index.php?threads/hamlet-konoha-20-neutral-recruiting.11476/

We shouldn't be killing everyone we don't know.

I avoid conflict 99% of the time.
But if you follow me.
Im going to shoot first and ask questions later.
Ive lost far too much stuff while trying to figure out if we are allied or not.
If a mistake happens an apology and compensation are quick to follow


Legacy Supporter 6
Jul 2, 2011
I avoid conflict 99% of the time.
But if you follow me.
Im going to shoot first and ask questions later.
Ive lost far too much stuff while trying to figure out if we are allied or not.
If a mistake happens an apology and compensation are quick to follow

Know your allies Beforehand then.


Max Legacy Supporter
Jul 28, 2011
I keep their members list up in a tab on my other monitor, but I've got most of them memorized

I think what we need to do, is have some sort of punishment, like we have a trap door in town that they have to stand on and Azen gets to come and pull the lever and drop them to their death while the town watches lol


May 28, 2011
1: What is your IGN (case sensitive)?​
2: How long have you played MC? HC?​
MC: 11 months, HC: 8 months​
3: How old are you?​
4: Why do you want to join Valor? (How did you hear about us? What can you contribute? Why should we accept you?​
I was a member of Valhalor and I'm a pretty good miner.​
5: Who are your personal friends/allies in Herocraft?​
Nadastorm, Moejunur, Watter_bottle​
6: What class are you? Future spec plans?​
Warrior, probably will become a DK​
7. How often are you active in game?​
I can log in daily for a few hours a day.​
8: Are you ok with a 50c tax requirement each week? (Yes, required)​
9: Did you know you can vote for 6c a day at Tiny.cc/herocraft?​
10: Have you read our rules?​


Legacy Supporter 1
Mar 19, 2011
Guess what Valor, we're HAVING A CONTEST!! :D

Since we'll be expanding soon, that means we'll need a new wall to protect ourselves from those pesky raiders. Only a couple of rules with this one. First, it has to look cool. Like epic awesome, use your imagination. Second, no cobble, self explanatory. Third, function. Think about places for archers, casters, whatever kind of protection you think we'll need.

Basically that's it. The deadline is in two weeks on the 26th, so get working now and show us your progress! You'll also get some constructive criticism from us to make your wall legend, wait for it, dary! Good luck guys.


Legacy Supporter 3
Sep 2, 2011
Hiding under a rock
Guess what Valor, we're HAVING A CONTEST!! :D

Since we'll be expanding soon, that means we'll need a new wall to protect ourselves from those pesky raiders. Only a couple of rules with this one. First, it has to look cool. Like epic awesome, use your imagination. Second, no cobble, self explanatory. Third, function. Think about places for archers, casters, whatever kind of protection you think we'll need.

Basically that's it. The deadline is in two weeks on the 26th, so get working now and show us your progress! You'll also get some constructive criticism from us to make your wall legend, wait for it, dary! Good luck guys.
You should all quit, cuz I'm gonna own you.
And what do I win?


Legacy Supporter 1
Mar 19, 2011
Bring it!

The winner has their wall proudly built that will stand the rest of time! And probably some cash will come your way as well.


Legacy Supporter 4
Jun 22, 2011
Not to object, i like the idea and everything but- the valor wall we had desinged on plasmas server had all of that, a plce for archers, a death tunnel and a glass roof with the currently existing tower in town

but i guess there is always room for improvement! <3


Legacy Supporter 1
Mar 19, 2011
Eh? Quick design I whipped up. Think it might be ahead of our time though.
