IGN: Favith
Age: 36
Time zone: CST (same as the server)
Classes: Master Bard (also have Ninja to 20ish). Crafter specs: Master Alchemist, Master Enchanter, Master Mason, Master Smith, Master Scribe
Why do you want to join: Honestly, I'm simply playing the odds here. Everyone knows about Malkier by now so obviously I need a new town to call home and a new group of people to play with. Of all the towns I'd even consider trying out you guys have the most people online, most often. You folks also seem fairly active (in pvp, at least--I have no idea how active the "town" side of Underworld actually is).
Referrals: In this town, none. If you want references for the type of person/player I am then I feel fairly comfortable you could ask Rumblestikk, Jonsoon, Da_Burg, Aryios, Torod, Leftovers or MsGigi (to name a few) and they would have good things to say about me.
NOTE: I'm going to be honest: If I were accepted into Underworld I'd consider it temporary trial--for both of us.
I don't know much about your town or any of it's citizens except for the fact that most of you seem to be avid PVPers. If you've ever read any post of mine on the forums you probably know that I'm NOT a pvper. I don't know if I'll like Underworld anymore than you guys know if I'd be an asset to you or not.
That said, I think we can probably benefit each other more than it might initially seem. Ask anyone from Malkier or Braavos and they'll vouch that I'm a builder, a miner, a resource gather and overall just a general workhorse type of player. I'm also on quite a bit, which allows me to get quite a bit done.
I've mastered 5 Professions thus far (will probably master all of them eventually) and I honestly don't mind slotting whichever one the town leadership feels is most needed.
When I'm not actively doing something for the town I'm in I've always spent my time mining--with most of what I get going to town donations or straight to fellow citizens so they don't have to mine for resources if they don't want to do so.
I have literally spent hours at a time filling double chests with chainmail or Eff/Ubr picks for townmates to use. I've transmuted countless coal stacks into diamonds--just to donate the diamond blocks to the town bank. I've spent untold thousands of coin to purchase hard to get (or annoying to get) items that Malkier needed to upgrade us to City. I busted my @$$ off to get to 60 Scribe quickly and paid a hefty price for one of the first Nether Star drops so that Malkier could have the first beacon.
This is a sample of what I bring to the table, hopefully it offsets my admitted lack of pvp ability (or desire, for that matter).
So, I don't know how much you guys value your actual town, or if you have any plans for town improvement or growth (I've never even seen Underworld's region), but if you want someone who can be an asset in town efforts then you want me.
And who knows....if I had a decent group to run with and a few people to give me some sound advice then maybe I wouldn't dislike Herocraft PVP so much?