Legacy Supporter 9
- Joined
- Jul 4, 2013
- Location
- Spokane, WA

Welcome to Ravenhold!
Ravenhold is recruiting trustworthy, active players of all ages and skill levels who see Herocraft as something they intend on playing long into the future. We are family-friendly, and our mission is to have fun and band together to fight against the evils of the Minecraft world. We do not have class or profession restrictions, so you can choose to be whatever you wish to be and change your choices at any time.

Ravenhood is a peaceful town, preferring diplomacy over violence. That being said, we do raid when deemed advantageous. We do defend our keep with fervor...and when diplomacy breaks down, we do retaliate when necessary.
Allies of Ravenhold
Do not attack allied town members; do not steal from allied towns
Malkier, Isengard, Camelot, Aurora, and Willowdusk
The location of Ravenhold will be given out via /tell upon successful application and invitation from the mayor to the township.
The Ravenhold keep is a large a spacious castle that provides plenty of safety for your personal possessions as well as for the needs of the profession you choose. Each town member gets a large three-story room to customize as you wish, and there are areas in Ravenhold to practice your craft and to help you level your profession.
Town Rules
• No attacking fellow town members
• Stealing from town members will result in immediate removal from Ravenhold, loss of all possessions within Ravenhold, and a petition to the Herocraft administration for punishment/ban
• Please abide by the requests of the mayor and his officers
• Do not enter another town member's room unless you are given express permission to do so by that town member. Violations of this rule will result in disciplinary action and/or removal from Ravenhold
• Changes to the structure of Ravenhold and its surrounding areas must be approved by the mayor
• Finally, be kind and courteous to town members, allies, and to those you may encounter along your travels. Diplomacy over force and courtesy over competition are our ways.
Tax/Activity Rules
• There is a 20 coin per week tax to help Ravenhold thrive, due by the end of Saturday of each week (your time zone).
• If you need coin, make sure to vote daily at http://herocraftonline.com/main/top-voters. One day of voting will net you the 20 coin due to Ravenhold; the other six days are pure profit!
• If you are short on coin during any given week, items equal to the market sale value of 20 coin will work as well (gold, iron, diamonds, emeralds, leather, etc).
• Weekly taxes/coin is to be paid to the town bank (/tb deposit money 20); other items are to be given to the mayor by special arrangement.
• If you are inactive for more than one (1) month without prior communication to the mayor or his officers, you will receive a personal message from the mayor on the Herocraft forums. If you do not reply within two (2) week following , you will be assumed to have left Herocraft, will be removed from the roster, and your possessions will be forfeit.
• If you intend to be gone for more than a week, please put a sign in front of your room stating that you will be gone, reason for your absence if you desire to share with your fellow townsfolk, and your expected date of return.
• Absences from Herocraft do not pardon you from your 20c/week tax. If you know you are going to be gone, please deposit your dues proactively; if you do not do so, please catch up on the tax that you owe when you return.
Town Roster
yavool: Mayor
Wettham: Captain of the Guard
Noobicabra: Chief of Security
AdrastosArmor: Lord Emeritus
LovelyArmor: Lady Emeritus
ILiveInTrees: citizen
iKoNicInstinct: citizen
Moeski1999: citizen
alewis320: citizen
Sliverquick: citizen
Ganons_Bane: citizen
~Application Guide~
We are looking for players that intend to play Herocraft for the foreseeable future. The hardcore, pvp, and role playing styles of Herocraft is not for everyone;we ask that you apply only after you have identified that the Herocraft server is the right type of server for you.
When filling out the application, please be as descriptive as possible!
In Game Name (IGN):
Primary Class/Level:
How long have you been on Herocraft?:
How often do you play/intend to play Herocraft?:
What towns have you been part of previously?:
Why do you want to join Ravenhold?:
How do you see yourself contributing to Ravenhold?:
What time zone are you in?:
Do you agree to abide by all the town rules?:
Do you agree to play your 20c/week taxes or its equivalent to Ravenhold?:
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?: