Hey I would like to help get camelot started. I could donate some coin and items. I could help on the walls too. Camelot had always been one of my favorite towns.Hey everyone, with the map wipe coming I had to let you know that Camelot will be re-built on Haven. Unfortunately many of us have become very busy these months. I'll be developing a model for the New Camelot soon, so that those interested can help with the re-build. I want to thank everyone involved in this current build of Camelot. It's been amazing working with you all, and Camelot has really become a fantastic build. It's sad we're losing our hard work, but we'll be able to rebuild with the experience gained from this previous build. Those interested in moving on to Haven with us, let me know via forums. I'm planning on getting the town up and running REALLY quickly. The build will take some time to complete, but I plan on having regions soon after the wipe. Thanks again for all the hard work, and I look forward to our future together.