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[Hamlet][OS] Camelot [7]*Under New Lordship*


Oct 31, 2012
In Game Name(IGN): Rooseus

Age(must be 15+): 19

Minecraft Exp: Been playing minecraft since beta, mostly played on a server called "MassiveCraft" which is a roleplay server. I have also played on "Lord Of The Craft" alot which is another heavy rp server.

Herocraft Exp: I've been playing herocraft twice before, can't remember the names of the towns but i did get to level 25 dreadknight before i quited.

Spec or intended spec: Currently Warrior, i intend to beome a Dreadknight later on.

Current level: 1

What do you like to do? (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.): I like to pvp, roleplay and well my best proffesion is probably building. I'm not into big castles and huge buildings generaly, i actually prefer to build huge and messy cities.

What strengths do you bring to the town?: I could as everyone else contribute with a good Crafting/Proffesion skill and join the army as a strong knight. If needed, i could build you a couple of houses aswell(You wont regret it).

Past Cities/Towns (if applicable): Do not remember to be honest.

Have you ever been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out): Well, i suppose i was removed when i became inactive.

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen?: Yes indeed sir.

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights?: My blade is yours, so am my life.

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code?: Yes.

Do you have a mic/headset? Teamspeak?: Yes, i do.


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
Welcome to Camelot @Rooseus ! I dub thee Sir Rooseus. I'll be home in 8-10 hours from now. I can you get set up and acclimated when I'm back. I'm off the next two days as well, so you guys should see a lot of me :D I shay slay the remainder of the farm that needs digging, and a new farm will be born!



Legacy Supporter 5
May 31, 2013
Welcome to Camelot @Rooseus ! I dub thee Sir Rooseus. I'll be home in 8-10 hours from now. I can you get set up and acclimated when I'm back. I'm off the next two days as well, so you guys should see a lot of me :D I shay slay the remainder of the farm that needs digging, and a new farm will be born!

Stop working your ass off D: take some chill time


Glowing Redstone
Sep 12, 2013
In Game Name(IGN):DingyToothpaste

Age(must be 15+): 18

Minecraft Exp: since early alpha

Herocraft Exp: about a week but im a fast learner

Spec or intended spec: cleric/enchanter

Current level:40/1

What do you like to do? (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.): support the town in anyway possible

What strengths do you bring to the town?: teamwork , dedication, fun^^

Past Cities/Towns (if applicable):none

Have you ever been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out):nope

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen?: yes!

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights?: with my life!

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code?: on my honour!

Do you have a mic/headset? Teamspeak?: nope, but i can get it.


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
Welcome to Camelot! I dub thee Sir DingyToothpaste! Glad to have you aboard.


Legacy Supporter 3
Jun 17, 2013
gonna be on for some time, put me on active for a week or so :)

Also gonna try and do shaders so if anyone need some screen shot to do ingame tell me

-edit- aw I'm not even in inactive list :(


Sep 19, 2013
In Game Name(IGN): CelesFox

Age(must be 15+): 23 yes 23 years old

Minecraft Exp: Since I believe 1.4.1 alpha? I think

Herocraft Exp: I believe a month or so just rather slow

Spec or intended spec: Wizard

Current level: 13/11

What do you like to do? (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.): support the town in anyway possible

What strengths do you bring to the town?: teamwork , dedication, fun fun^^

Past Cities/Towns (if applicable): Nimbus

Have you ever been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out): Nope owo

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen?: Yes I do.

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights?: Yes with my life.

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code?: On my honour!

Do you have a mic/headset? Teamspeak?: Yes I do :3


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
Remodeled the Camelot Citizen Storage Center in the Greathall, it is much easier to use now. I'm almost finished clearing out the farms area now, and will start working on the walkway and plots over the next few nights. Let me know if anyone needs anything.



Legacy Supporter 4
Feb 18, 2013
Remodeled the Camelot Citizen Storage Center in the Greathall, it is much easier to use now. I'm almost finished clearing out the farms area now, and will start working on the walkway and plots over the next few nights. Let me know if anyone needs anything.


Gee gee, take some time off noob, get off HC, maybe get a girlfriend, graduate, even finish that sandwich from 2 years ago


Jul 4, 2013
Tried to log in from University WiFi, but the server appeared to be down for some reason, hope I'll catch you all sometime this week.


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
Hey everyone, with the map wipe coming I had to let you know that Camelot will be re-built on Haven. Unfortunately many of us have become very busy these months. I'll be developing a model for the New Camelot soon, so that those interested can help with the re-build. I want to thank everyone involved in this current build of Camelot. It's been amazing working with you all, and Camelot has really become a fantastic build. It's sad we're losing our hard work, but we'll be able to rebuild with the experience gained from this previous build. Those interested in moving on to Haven with us, let me know via forums. I'm planning on getting the town up and running REALLY quickly. The build will take some time to complete, but I plan on having regions soon after the wipe. Thanks again for all the hard work, and I look forward to our future together.
