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[Hamlet][OS] Camelot [7]*Under New Lordship*


Jul 4, 2013

It is always apreciated of citizens to take iniciative and build sections of the wall unsupervised. I encourage this, but I also ask of you to triple check you are doing the wall design 100% right, since in minecraft it is a lot more of a pain to redo something than doing it right from the beginning, and this beeing the wall, a 2 block wrongly made section can easily become entire sections from pylon to pylon of wrongly made palisade wich need to be torn down and redone.


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
Well, I finally have a few days off to play :D See you guys in-game!


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
I've updated the town thread and image of Camelot. The kingdom walls look great fellas. I'm gonna get to work on recruiting active citizens for Camelot. We have plenty of room now :D We're clearing the farm level for a fresh rebuild of the farms so look for changes and way you can help there. Great work and hit me up on the forums if you need anything.


Jul 4, 2013
OS Council Room is mostly finished, concluding the major construction work in the great hall level.


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
Council room looks awesome! My rl job is starting to go much smoother, which mean I'll start getting off earlier and able to play more :D I'm gonna outline the space for the new farm level. Essentially a second undercity worth of space for farms and extra housing if needed. Any help clearing is always appreciated. I'm gonna try and recruit more in the next few days as well. I have wednesday and thursday off so I'll be on a good bit finishing off the farm space. I'll also update the thread with an ongoing projects list, and a housing plot application. If anyone needs any help acquiring tools, or anything else for that matter, just let me know and I'll help you with whatever it is. As always just leave me a forum message and I'll respond fastest, I'm always working nightshift and play at odd hours for most of you.



May 14, 2012
In Game Name(IGN): Tkdstar13

Age(must be 15+): 28

Minecraft Exp: I like both survival and creative.

Herocraft Exp: I played a bunch last year. This year not so much, but would like to change that.

Spec or intended spec: Most likely Mason. I don't know about combat. I am more of a builder than a PVPr.

Current level: Can't remember to be honest. I have played on this map but haven't done a whole lot. Don't think I've mastered crafter yet.

What do you like to do? (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.): Build, specifically mechanical things, traps, etc.

What strengths do you bring to the town?: Drama-free citizen.

Past Cities/Towns (if applicable): Canterlot

Have you ever been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out): No.

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen?: yes

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights?: yes

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code?: yes

Do you have a mic/headset? Teamspeak?: yes


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
I made it through my workweek :D I'll be on a good bit the next 2 days, see you guys in game :D


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
Work has been kicking me in the teeth. Just getting used to management and trying my best to not be a dick, but it gets frustrating at times.


Sep 9, 2013
In Game Name(IGN):Epicdude1354

Age(must be 15+):15

Minecraft Exp:1 yr

Herocraft Exp:1 day

Spec or intended spec:caster on herocraft and i am miner on minecraft

Current level:1 on 1

What do you like to do? (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.):contribute to society and a safe place to store stuff and stay

What strengths do you bring to the town?:resources

Past Cities/Towns (if applicable):none

Have you ever been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out):none

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen?:yes

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights?:yes

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code?:totally!!

Do you have a mic/headset? Teamspeak?:yes but i dont use it much


Jul 20, 2013
I was on quite a bit yesterday @Barbasol trying to find someone online, but no dice. Who should I be looking for and what times are they active
You were on? I didnt see you on? Anyways to answer your question, right now its a school year so it takes most of our time. But we try to be as active as much as we can. Yesterday we were busy but you will see me and more of us probably at the weekends hopefully. :D


Legacy Supporter 7
Retired Staff
Sep 17, 2011
It seems we play at opposite times tkd :( I'll try and catch you soon. I won the lotto a few times :D and I updated the thread (undercity plot app and button for knight citizenship app). I added a few braziers to the greathall, and an airlock room with a lwc door for the vault as well. Got quite a bit accomplished in the farms as well, finished the outline and started gutting the upper section of the farms area. If anyone needs anything just let me know :D


Jun 24, 2013
In Game Name(IGN): Maxpowerscraft

Age(must be 15+): Im 13 ='[

Minecraft Exp: 2 years of minecraft playing

Herocraft Exp: Level 5 caster

Spec or intended spec:

Current level: 7

What do you like to do? (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.): I love to build and fight mobs

What strengths do you bring to the town?: I could build for the town

Past Cities/Towns (if applicable): I applied for newerth

Have you ever been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out): No

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen?: Yes

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights?: Yes

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code?: Yes

Do you have a mic/headset? Teamspeak?: Yes


Jul 4, 2013
Just letting you all know I am alive, I'll try to hire internet asap and log in a bit.