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[Hamlet] [OS] Camelot [5] *Recruiting*


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
Mayor/Lord: Haxnn
Commander(SiC): Bfittipaldi
Council: To be determined.
Location: Only given to members

1. Haxnn​
4. Donnymeyer​
About: Camelot is a the mead hall of the Order of the Rising Sun, located far out in the - + part of the map. We borderline to the towns Newerth and Skyforge, we've created roads to both those towns for easy travel. We try to keep a neutral relation to major server wars, we observe and choose side wisely.

Goals: Provide a safe area for our Knight-Citizens to grow wealthy and powerful, while becoming a singular power in the world economy and society. We also wish for all our member to be happy and enjoy their time on Herocraft!

Taxes: None!

History (Note: Not required to read)

Camelot is the third town in the Camelot Legacy. The first town was created by our Ancient Lord, Barbas0l back in the world of Zeal. However, as time went, Barbas0l and his Elite left the server and left Camelot in Chaos, who's gonna lead now? The only active Council member left, EtKEnn, declared a voting amongst the remaining citizens, who to be new Mayor and SiC. The voting ended with EtKEnn becoming Mayor of Camelot with Millejinta87 as his SiC. The town grew active again, and it life could once again be seen in the streets of Camelot. However, barely a month later, Zeal were destroyed by the Dragons and EtKEnn and his friend Millejinta87 were the only ones from Camelot who made it out alive, they both fled to the World of Dragonguarde. There they built the town Canterlot, with EtKEnn as leader and Millejinta87 as SiC. The town grew in members and times were good. Canterlot had a network of allies sorrounding them, so the population grew faster then ever and soon the town were full of people. These days, EtKEnn and the Great WoleverEntun planned to make a Kingdom called Kingdom of Edolas together, with the town Lightforge as Capital and Canterlot as second town. They built the town Belegost to bind LF and CT together, Millejinta87 and Haxnn (SiC of Lightforge) stepped in as Co-Mayors of Belegost, and the Kingdom was formed, they just needed the coin. The days however, became darker because of internal conflictes. The Kingdom of Xandria Dominion, became stronger extremely fast in the region and WoleverEntun was on the edge of joining XD to make LF stand stronger. EtKEnn tried his best to convince him not, but it was too late. Lightforge joined XD and KoE fell apart. Belegost and Canterlot followed soon after, seeing they could not keep a strong Kingdom apart without LF's support. They all bent their knees for the Mighty King xexorian, he was the Viceroy of Nevermore and King of The Dominion. His minions were many and strong. After ages of peace, the outpost City of Altum made several attempts to attack and destroy Canterlot. EtKEnn begged xexorian to step in and help Canterlot, but he went his deaf ear to the begging. After weeks of attacks and Canterlot rapidly growing weaker, XD took action. The City of Altum were attacked by the combined forces of XD and defeated utterly. However, the long time XD took to response made xexorian hated amongst Canterlot's citizens and its leaders. That hatred never vanquished, and it would cause ill actions in the future. The war was won, but to a price. Canterlot was close to death and they felt betrayed. Some wanted war against XD, but EtKEnn saw that as weakened Canterlot were, they would never be able to stand up against the Might of XD.

Time of Peace was at hand, Canterlot started growing again and times were good once again. The citizen Jotamota became SiC of Canterlot and he started massive projects of beautifying the town and recruiting new members. The town grew in numbers and wealth. Jotamota managed a lot of things and took a lot of the weight of responsibilty EtKEnn used to have. Canterlot grew up to one of the biggest active towns in Dragonguarde and they became confident. Maybe a bit too confident, cause EtKEnn started having thoughts of Freedom. To go back to a Neutral state without any King's or Prince's to decide over him and his town again, just like it was in the world of Zeal. In the early period, thoughts of going against XD were few and minor. But later, he grew tired of the corruption of the Council where the two towns Nevermore and Newerth had 5-8 represeants, where as Canterlot had 2. He suggested equal rule several times, but the Prince's and King wouldn't hear of it. His thoughts of Freedom grew stronger and one day he expressed himself in public about his mischief with the Dominion. The King were outragous, how could this happen? A town that doesn't support him entirely? This needs to be dealt with accordingly, xexorian thought. One early morning, Jotamota and EtKEnn were outside Canterlot working on the main gates when the SiC of Newerth, Victim130, showed up. He stood there for a couple of minute, then he suddenly attacks Jotamota and EtKEnn. EtKEnn and Jotamota were overwhelmed, they didn't have tools for fighting as they were just building on their gates. In their eyes, an allied Leader had showed up on their gates and slayed them. EtKEnn minutes later declared war on the town Newerth because of the Incident, minutes later, the King of the Dominion himself showed up at Canterlot and supported Victim130 and they kept attacking Canterlot. In the following Weeks, EtKEnn stood against the might of XD alone with his citizens. However, a few people joined in on Canterlot's side and helped them in the war. Towns like xxxmastown, Erebos and Legacy supported XD, but Canterlot got help from the small Kingdom of FE. Indivuals like MajorasMask joined Canterlot and gave EtKEnn advice trough these though times. After a month of constant fighting, a Ceasefire was brought in place. There were still small attacks from either side, but they became smaller and fewer.
Later on, Canterlot were moved by admins to a new location because it were going to crash with Nevermore if it stayed at the same spot. Guilds like Tree Creepers attacked Canterlot often, but the town survived. After months of Chaos, Glory and war, the world of Dragonguarde started being destroyed. EtKEnn has gathered the remaints of his strenght and is prepared to move on to a new world once Dragonguarde is in the stage of total destrouction. He and millejinta87 teamed up again, and they are naming their new town Camelot, to honour Barbas0l and the Zeal days. The story of Camelot will be written as it outfolds itself...



Order of the Rising Sun


Any and all raiders


Personal Allies:
To be determined.

The Knight's Code:

-Represent Camelot in a positive way. -

-Be respectful in your dealings with others, even in combat. This does not require you to be merciful.
-Obey all server rules. You should not play on this server if you cannot abide by its rules and thrive in its hardcore-themed environment.-

-Contribute to the growth of Camelot (Projects, jobs, etc). -

-Never steal from your countrymen. -

-Do not enter a fellow citizen's property without permission.-

-If you are inactive for more than one month your house will be removed and any valuables will be stored (for your return). Note that gold may be taken as a "no paid taxes from you in a month".

-If you stay inactive for more than 2 months, the Camelot council got permission to take all your belongings, (if you get back you get some stuff you need to start play again).

-The definition of inactive is that you have not logged on during one month time whitout telling the council or mayor/sic.

-If ever needed, answer Camelot's call to arms.-

-Seek out and destroy enemies of the state.-

-Never raise a hand (or weapon) against a countryman unjustly.-

-Abstain from violence against peaceful visitors to Camelot.-

-Building code: Keep areas lit, label your space with exact name spelling and caps, replant farms if used, replace airlock blocks, and don't build outside of your designated area without permission. Do not dig in Camelot without permission.-

-Have a sign whit your name whit exact spelling, on your house/plot.

-Dance whene'er able.-

-Special Code: Rising Sun +The first letter or number in your name.-

-Eat ham, and jam, and spam a lot.-

Knight Application Format:

If you want to apply, please copy this format, fill in the info and post if below.

In Game Name:

Minecraft Exp:

Herocraft Exp:

Spec or intended spec:

Current level:

What do you like to do: (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.)

What strengths do you bring to the town?:

Past Cities/Towns: (if applicable)

If you have been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out):

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen?

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights?

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code?

Special Code(not the whitelist code, but the camelot special code):


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
Reserved.[DOUBLEPOST=1368054054,1368053975][/DOUBLEPOST]Angyles If you're able to could you move this thread into official townships? Thanks!


Rules Council
Event Team
Max Legacy Supporter
Apr 3, 2012
New town? Grats if it is! PM'ing you a lot of typos. :oops:

Edit: Actually, you might want to just spell check it. There are tons of mistakes. Not trying to be rude, just want your town to look great. :)



Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
New town? Grats if it is! PM'ing you a lot of typos. :oops:

Edit: Actually, you might want to just spell check it. There are tons of mistakes. Not trying to be rude, just want your town to look great. :)


Actually we've been a town since the start of the map. I'm just taking over as mayor. As for the typos, this is just a copy/paste of the old thread with some names moved around. :p I'll take a look though.


May 11, 2013
In Game Name: Raeld

Minecraft Exp: Around 2 Years, just got back from a break from Minecraft

Herocraft Exp: None

Spec or intended spec: Healer(Mystic)

Current level: 1

What do you like to do: (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.) I like to Mine and gather/hoard(like literally spend hours gathering) a bunch of different items.

What strengths do you bring to the town?: Friendliness, Generosity, I like helping out.

Past Cities/Towns: (if applicable) None

If you have been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out): None

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen? Yes

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights? I am

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code? Yes

Special Code(not the whitelist code, but the camelot special code):Rising Sun R


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
In Game Name: Raeld

Minecraft Exp: Around 2 Years, just got back from a break from Minecraft

Herocraft Exp: None

Spec or intended spec: Healer(Mystic)

Current level: 1

What do you like to do: (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.) I like to Mine and gather/hoard(like literally spend hours gathering) a bunch of different items.

What strengths do you bring to the town?: Friendliness, Generosity, I like helping out.

Past Cities/Towns: (if applicable) None

If you have been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out): None

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen? Yes

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights? I am

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code? Yes

Special Code(not the whitelist code, but the camelot special code):Rising Sun R



Apr 29, 2013
ok[DOUBLEPOST=1368333802][/DOUBLEPOST]based on olld camelot banner colours


  • 2013-05-12_16.39.12.png
    435.7 KB · Views: 10


Apr 22, 2012
In Game Name: dougo1103
Minecraft Exp: I have been playing minecraft for around 2 years.
Herocraft Exp: I have been playing Herocraft for around a week and a bit.
Spec of intended Spec: Chanter (Wizard)
Current level: 11
What do you like to do: I like helping the Herocraft community grow and building, I am alright at PVP.
What strengths can I bring to the town: I am generous, friendly and have never been banned from a server. I am a good builder.
Past Cities/Towns: Threshold
If you have been removed forcibly from a town why?: I have never been forced from a town or city.
Do you understand the responsibility of being a Knight-Citizen?: Yes
I heard from this town from people living in Newerth on TeamSpeak:
  • [King] xexorian<3
  • [Sherald] Dielan
  • Colonel_Rick
  • Drastikos
  • [Prince] Sidgil
  • TheLeftToe


Legacy Supporter 6
Oct 30, 2011
ok[DOUBLEPOST=1368333802][/DOUBLEPOST]based on olld camelot banner colours
Actually this is the official Camelot banner:


But sure, remake it if you wanna.

Anyways Haxnn, i'll finish the history for Bastion ending with me and EvilThor leaving the leadership in your hands.


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
In Game Name: dougo1103
Minecraft Exp: I have been playing minecraft for around 2 years.
Herocraft Exp: I have been playing Herocraft for around a week and a bit.
Spec of intended Spec: Chanter (Wizard)
Current level: 11
What do you like to do: I like helping the Herocraft community grow and building, I am alright at PVP.
What strengths can I bring to the town: I am generous, friendly and have never been banned from a server. I am a good builder.
Past Cities/Towns: Threshold
If you have been removed forcibly from a town why?: I have never been forced from a town or city.
Do you understand the responsibility of being a Knight-Citizen?: Yes
I heard from this town from people living in Newerth on TeamSpeak:
  • [King] xexorian<3
  • [Sherald] Dielan
  • Colonel_Rick
  • Drastikos
  • [Prince] Sidgil
  • TheLeftToe

Welcome to the family! Get with me in game as soon as you can!


Sep 6, 2012
In Game Name: rocke97

Age: 16
Minecraft Exp: I've have been playing minecraft for slightly over two years.

Herocraft Exp: I joined earlier this year but since stopped playing for some time. I've been playing again for the past 3-4 days

Spec or intended spec: Cleric

Current level: 6

What do you like to do: (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.) I enjoy PvP and farming often.

What strengths do you bring to the town?: Hopefully my healing in PvP once I reach a high enough level. Besides that I also hope to help the town with the farms and animals

Past Cities/Towns: (if applicable) Belegost

If you have been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out):Honestly I don't know, after my extended inactivity I was unable to do anything inside of the town so I believe I was removed.

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen? I do

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights? I am

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code? Yes

Special Code(not the whitelist code, but the camelot special code): Rising Sun r


Legacy Supporter 3
Oct 20, 2011
In Game Name: rocke97

Age: 16
Minecraft Exp: I've have been playing minecraft for slightly over two years.

Herocraft Exp: I joined earlier this year but since stopped playing for some time. I've been playing again for the past 3-4 days

Spec or intended spec: Cleric

Current level: 6

What do you like to do: (be honest, you'd be surprised with what we need.) I enjoy PvP and farming often.

What strengths do you bring to the town?: Hopefully my healing in PvP once I reach a high enough level. Besides that I also hope to help the town with the farms and animals

Past Cities/Towns: (if applicable) Belegost

If you have been removed forcibly from a town, why? (don't lie, we'll find out):Honestly I don't know, after my extended inactivity I was unable to do anything inside of the town so I believe I was removed.

Do you understand the responsibilities of being a Knight-Citizen? I do

Are you prepared to pledge yourself to the defense of Camelot and your fellow knights? I am

Do you understand and can you uphold The Knight's Code? Yes

Special Code(not the whitelist code, but the camelot special code): Rising Sun r

Accepted! Get with me in game.