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[Hamlet] Moria [Neutral] [6]


Jun 5, 2012
IGN: Kuracos
Timezone: I live in Texas so Central (I think)
Previous Builds: Haven't taken any pics, sorry
Why I would fit: I love to help people out and make their lives better. I have a very creative mind and will help out with any job that comes to me or I figure out about. I dont play 24/7 but when I do I always like to have a fun time and be friendly to others. I have respect towards the rules and will follow them. I am a very good strategic fighter just to add.
A Good Story: I saw some Hunger Games Servers and I loved the movie and books, so I thought I might check them out. With 150 people in the lobby I thought I stood no chance against all of these Royal Masters that have been playing for a while. Well the game started and I took off running picking up resources on the way. 1 by 1 enemies fell; the tension rose. Well I was deep down in a cave and it so happened that on my first game I was 1 of the 3 people still standing. I think the victorious feeling took over me and whenever I was mining fell straight into a Lava pit. Ughhhh...... I dont want to talk about it. :)
Jun 6, 2012
IGN= burkeman123
TIMEZONE= european eastern time
PREVIOUS BUILDS= I have built server spawns, shops for servers and tonnes of houses. My style of build is Gothic/fantasy and i think this style will fit in well with the town.
WHY I WOULD FIT IN MORIA= I am friendly, and would give the town a good atmosphere. I am a good fighter as well, and i will help you in your battles against other towns and cities. I also play a lot on Minecraft and will spend a few hours a day on the server.
A GOOD STORY= To be honest, i don't really have one, though i'm sure i will have many on this server!


May 11, 2012
Time Zone GMT +1
On server none i am new. Other plasses a lot but favorit is redstone stuff i am good at it, oh yeah underground is next one list.
Why i will fit:Moria is well i think underground??? And i love underground buildings.
A story: A long time ago a man named nilsoop when out in to the world to find a plasse to grow as a person. He went on from Land to Land (server to server) To he found the Land of Heros (herocraf). Then he went to find a town where people was nice and talent like him self then he founf Moria and now the rest of the story is up to you. Will you let him inn or not.
Mar 21, 2012

IGN: Antimatter_Man
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time
Previous Builds: no pics, but I specialize in making things in circular fashion. I make lighthouses, cone-shaped, with color swirl, if I'm bored. Also, I can make larger builds on my own pretty fast, with attention to detail.
Why would I fit: I fit in just about anywhere. and if my general style is unsuiting, I can change things up (don't expect me to make my house a square to match everyone elses'. I hate that.)
Tell you a story: I used to play another server with heroes equipped. that went down for months on end. I decided to find substitutes, so I came here. some of this is a little... weird in comparison, but hey, different isn't all bad.

Bowen Yevon

Sep 19, 2011
San Diego, California
IGN: Bowenstrife

Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time ( I think. xD I live in San Diego, CA)

Previous Builds: Sadly, no pictures, but I have built some elaborate towns in the past on my friend's server. My 'building style' is mostly Medieval.

Why would I fit: Well, I love to contribute to a team/group. Building towns with other people is one of my favorite things to do. I don't know if my building style would really fit your town, but I can certainly try!

O' accursed land, O' accursed sea. By what name shalt I call that I may find justice? My greatest loves taken away from me from this vile thing we know as, 'Death'. How my tongue stings at the very whisper of that name. That the very memory must come up in my mind once more.
I am a fool for taking for granted the love that they gave me. My family, now dead, taken away by a lowly rat. A Rogue, whose name shall not be said, for the emotions that are conjured up from just speaking it make me wild, came in the virgin morning and assassinated my Wife and two children.
Now, I have made a vow to exact vengeance on this man, this damned rat.

(Was that good? :p)


Sep 7, 2011
IGN: Sorgath3
Timezone: USA Central
Previous Builds:Just the usuall building. fully functional and whatnot. Im more of one for PvP and mob fighting than building.
Why would i fit into Moria: Im an expierenced minecraft player, been playing since early beta. i feel like im a good person to have around, im friendly and i'll help out with whatever you guys need me too and im loyal as well.
Tell us a story: well the only thing that really comes to mind is my friend and i were on his server right when he got it. we were just running around and i said hey im gona build here and he didnt like the place, so he kept moving on, but not to far later he found a place he liked, so we began building and mining for a few hours and we decided to fight eachother. well i killed him first then a creeper blew up behind me, and neither of us had our home set, so we lost all of our things lol.
Oct 28, 2011
IGN: NinjatomNein
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Previous Builds: My underwater house (no hax) in singleplayer. Check out my application for whitelist or uploaded images.
Why I would fit into Moria: Moria is made up of a few people of the Orion township. These people are very friendly and have accepted me even as a noob, and put me into the small, sandstone oasis known as Aegis. Because of their hospitality, I would like to give something back to those who gave me so much.
A Story?!?!?!?: He woke up in the dead of night, lying on a damp slab of cement far from home. Cold, muddy water dripped on his forehead from the cracked ceiling, reminding himself of the harsh reality he faced. Far from friends and family, this man was trapped in a prison he created. As he looked out of the barred window towards a full moon partly concealed by the shadowy clouds, he wept, and his only hope was that the world had not fallen into ruin...


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Apr 12, 2012
IGN= flyingow101
TImezone: EST
Previous Builds: Basically some old Style wooden/log buildings
WHy would you fit in Moria: Well, I think teamwork helps in many situations, and i believe the town would help with that. Im decent at helping with problems and such stuff. And I was told that you actually answer apps, so i like it as of now :D.
Tell us a story: As Timothy woke up from is bed to adventure the Minecraftian world, he noticed he was hungry. So he prepared to adventure to find bacon and beef. After 4 hours, the sun was setting. But all he thought was "I am amazing, Night won't stop me!". And a skeleton promptly shot Timothy in the knee, Quickly ending his adventures.


Oct 7, 2011
This town is currently late on taxes due on Monday. If you have paid taxes, please send screenshot and note payment information on the first page in this thread. If taxes and late payment fees are not made by Friday, the region will be removed. tiny.cc/hctaxes


Legacy Supporter 7
Jun 15, 2012
IGN : TeamShovel
Timezone : West coast , Pacific stand time
Previous Builds: Nothing , im new and havent done 2 much other then get killed alot :DWhy would you fit in Moria: im a cool guy and love to goof around and just enjoy the game! Tell us a story: Im graduating from Highschool ! its bin a long and hard part of my life! my walk up is on the 22 of this month and today at 6 is my Grad Banquet :)! i dont like my grade to much. bunch of assholes. but i put up with em. Cant wait 2 be finally finished :) only 1 exam. on the 25th for english :) gunna be a tough on. 2 Essays and 1 paragraph and 56 Multiple choice.!


Jun 15, 2012
PREVIOUS BUILDS: None of any note
WHY I SHOULD BE "IN": im a great team worker, and even though im not on everyday all day when i am on i will help with anything. be that building (i LOVE LOVE to build, but im used to creative so ill try my best) or mob hunting, or mining (i dont mind mining, its kind of.... relaxing? but id love to mine with someone else not on my own)


Jun 15, 2012
PREVIOUS BUILDS: None of any note
WHY I SHOULD BE "IN": im a great team worker, and even though im not on everyday all day when i am on i will help with anything. be that building (i LOVE LOVE to build, but im used to creative so ill try my best) or mob hunting, or mining (i dont mind mining, its kind of.... relaxing? but id love to mine with someone else not on my own)


Jun 16, 2012
New York
  • Application:
  • IGN: TekoSniper
  • Timezone: GMT USA
  • Previous Builds: I made 3 towns in 2 different servers, Redstonerangers and BlockEmpires. I built a castle also and the white house.
  • Why would you fit in Moria: Reminds me of lord of the rings, and it is underground like mines of moria. I will help and build, this is a great town for me!
  • Tell us a story: There was a dwarf who lost his axe. He looked everywhere for it. He noticed some orcs talking. He snuck over to get a look. He saw his axe. At night he suck into there camp and took it. They all woke up and started fighting him, but as a dwarf you should know they are great miners. He dug a hole so deep they all fell in and died. He then went back to his home town... Moria!