Below is my application to join the town Isengard.
1. IGN: Eiffel_Tower
2. Age: 21
3. Herocraft Experience: Well, I started playing a week or two ago and I've have very much enjoyed my time so far. I like the mix of economy with the more prominent PvP aspect. I have read the wiki and find the server very refreshing.
4. Activity: I have been on daily (For the summer). During the school year I do have classes, but I will have time to play fairly regularly. I will inform you of other major breaks from playing when they arise.
5. Combat and Proffession classes/levels: Warrior, Lvl 20 (I have money enough to spec. I just haven't settled on one yet) and Crafter, Lvl 10
6. Previous towns, if any: None
7. Can you use teamspeak: No (Possibly in the future)
8. Why do you want to join Isengard?: Lord of the Rings

Also the members list is small and I prefer a smaller more local community.
9. Keyword: Ent
10. Do you agree to uphold the town rules?: Most certainly