Not the question I was expecting but I will give it a try.
It really depends on the situation, and how morally bad or good the wrong or right thing is. For example, if I had to steal something from a friend that would benefit everyone, then I would have to do it, and I would consider that as doing the right thing when stealing is wrong. As I said, it depends on the circumstances. If this wrong thing was done in a way that the long term effect would be good, then of course I think that is the right thing to do.
The right thing. If humanity did everything morally correct we would be in a very different world right now. If you were offered the chance to kill Hitler, and save millions of people, killing isn't the right thing at all, and if we were to do the right thing and not kill him it would end bad for everyone, and end up as a bad long term effect (which it did) and in this case doing the right thing would have been wrong because it ends up worse for everyone.
All this also depends on what a person believes to be right or wrong. A priest and a criminal could have two very different ideas of what is right or wrong, so maybe the question needs to be clarified a bit better.
That is the best I can do, I may have been rambling but there you go

Hope this is what you had in mind