- Joined
- Jun 16, 2013
- Location
- Arizona

~Divine Sora Kingdom~
Enlight is a Merchant City
We accept all classes/professions. PVPers/Workers/Collectors/Builders All welcome to join.
We are a neutral town working to gain wealth to
itself and its allies.
The towns main focus is wealth.
As for being a neutral town. We will only fight back if attacked
or on our land and attacking. We may return
attacks to enemy bases/bountys/town raids.
We keep to ourselves in our massive castle.
IF and only if allies are within the town limits (100ish Blocks from current region)
may they seek safety inside the walls of Enlight or our backup.
The town was build by Masashi2012 "her"self.
Although the size of the town is quite massive. Operations to regions marking
of Capital will be the full size of Enlight.
~Main Goals~
1. The Protection of Enlight.
2. To support and gain new allies.
3. Set up Trading lines.
4. Enlight's Secret Project.
5. Allow the Divine Sora Kingdom to Raise
Divine Market.
6. Gain the Respect Throughout Haven
7. Gain Peace lands of Enlight.
Princess Miya of The Blue Moon Sky
Princess Miya's ManSlave
~High Honored Guests~
0arfix0 - Head Manager
Thesewaterskill- Treasurer Lord
- Treasurer Bookmen
-Treasurer Bookmen
Princess Miya-Guardian Core Leader
Warriorllama-OverSeer( School/MAI)
sonicviper88- Recruitment Officer
devotedworker- Recruitment Officer
Tongia- Recruitment Officer
-Guilds of Enlight-
We will have space for 10 Guilds to setup Ally bases
within the Main cities Protection.
Embassy can be 30x,20y,30z
Please Post app on Guilds Forum
Or If you are a Ambassador Post here on this forum for
alliance and Setup for you Embassy Build within city.
~The Order of Ach Holy~
Under protection of Ds Kingdom
~The Guardian Core~
Ds Kingdom Guild
Guild forum
~Loyal Members~
All member logs are on record from joining date.
Members+ 1-2months base on the
work givin to town is Veteran rank.
~Applying for Manager position~
If have been part of town for 1 month+
and has shown loyal work, can be trusted,
and has logged within 3-4 days each week.
you may apply to become a Enlight manager.
Must be a Vet to apply.
azenyumcha captainviridian Slapacookie
asesinangel assassinabby15 azenyumcha captainviridian clustercusss codeman12436
dimensionzero0 gensonn johnny_hedgehog krephon messedupgameing
paintheory pixelstar1234 pkninja16
~Enlight member list~
thomasgilder trevor520599 slap_panda ripjaws2012 nepo123 falcor1223 gagori
~Post App for Alliance if Interested~
Enlight Is a Trading city.
Allies will be able to get funding help
or general help. Will not fight your battles unless
Your currently on the land of DS Kingdom.
Plots for Embassy's 40x,40z,40y in size.
Aldruhn - Enlight Empire Guard - Economy Protection Support. <3
DS kingdom
Sparta- Friends to the DS kingdom.
Drakenvale- Friends to the DS kingdom.
Raubtier- Friends to the DS kingdom
Genisis V.3- Friends to the DS kingdom
NARNIA- Side town in DS kingdom
The Divine Sora Kingdom
The Great merchant city Enlight, ruling the lands of haven
providing wealth and supplies to the world.
Princess Miya from her own hands
worked to build a nation of Peace
and wounder of the light to the heavens of haven.
Reaching far over the land she reached
for those to come to her side. And build this
little hamlet... To Enlight The Merchant Capital.
Within this city the riches of many.
Within this city the hopes of the future
Within this city wealth will fill the lands.
Neutral this city stands, with an army to defend.
1. Avoid Drama Please.
2. Do not steal from other members. /pe create will happen.
3. No killing towns members or allies
4. Please read the signs.
5. Have fun no restrictions on speech in town chats.
6. Maturely handle problems.
7. Follow all server rules.
8. Call Masashi2012 by Miya.
1.Age: 15+
2.Must help community of Town-
3.Ts/Skype (If you have)-
4. Past Towns-
5, Goal on Herocraft-
6. Class/profession choices-
7. Respect all members of town/allies
8. IGN
Princess Miya-Guardian Core Leader
Warriorllama-OverSeer( School/MAI)
sonicviper88- Recruitment Officer
devotedworker- Recruitment Officer
Tongia- Recruitment Officer
-Guilds of Enlight-
We will have space for 10 Guilds to setup Ally bases
within the Main cities Protection.
Embassy can be 30x,20y,30z
Please Post app on Guilds Forum
Or If you are a Ambassador Post here on this forum for
alliance and Setup for you Embassy Build within city.
~The Order of Ach Holy~
Under protection of Ds Kingdom
~The Guardian Core~
Ds Kingdom Guild
Guild forum
~Loyal Members~
All member logs are on record from joining date.
Members+ 1-2months base on the
work givin to town is Veteran rank.
~Applying for Manager position~
If have been part of town for 1 month+
and has shown loyal work, can be trusted,
and has logged within 3-4 days each week.
you may apply to become a Enlight manager.
Must be a Vet to apply.

azenyumcha captainviridian Slapacookie
asesinangel assassinabby15 azenyumcha captainviridian clustercusss codeman12436
dimensionzero0 gensonn johnny_hedgehog krephon messedupgameing
paintheory pixelstar1234 pkninja16
~Enlight member list~
thomasgilder trevor520599 slap_panda ripjaws2012 nepo123 falcor1223 gagori
~Post App for Alliance if Interested~
Enlight Is a Trading city.
Allies will be able to get funding help
or general help. Will not fight your battles unless
Your currently on the land of DS Kingdom.
Plots for Embassy's 40x,40z,40y in size.
Aldruhn - Enlight Empire Guard - Economy Protection Support. <3

Sparta- Friends to the DS kingdom.
Drakenvale- Friends to the DS kingdom.
Raubtier- Friends to the DS kingdom
Genisis V.3- Friends to the DS kingdom
NARNIA- Side town in DS kingdom
The Divine Sora Kingdom
The Great merchant city Enlight, ruling the lands of haven
providing wealth and supplies to the world.
Princess Miya from her own hands
worked to build a nation of Peace
and wounder of the light to the heavens of haven.
Reaching far over the land she reached
for those to come to her side. And build this
little hamlet... To Enlight The Merchant Capital.
Within this city the riches of many.
Within this city the hopes of the future
Within this city wealth will fill the lands.
Neutral this city stands, with an army to defend.
1. Avoid Drama Please.
2. Do not steal from other members. /pe create will happen.
3. No killing towns members or allies
4. Please read the signs.
5. Have fun no restrictions on speech in town chats.
6. Maturely handle problems.
7. Follow all server rules.
8. Call Masashi2012 by Miya.
1.Age: 15+
2.Must help community of Town-
3.Ts/Skype (If you have)-
4. Past Towns-
5, Goal on Herocraft-
6. Class/profession choices-
7. Respect all members of town/allies
8. IGN
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