Legacy Supporter 7
- Joined
- Jul 11, 2013

that is right we have over 1,000,000 cobblestone in the town bank!!!
Do not build or mine within 100 blocks of the town
Respect your fellow citizens. Do not enter someone's house without permission or open chests that are not yours
Trespassing or snooping in chests that are not yours is grounds for removal
Do not be a troll
Do not be a douche
Contribute towards town projects
Defend the town when the need arises
Be active on the forums and on TeamSpeak
Unexplained inactivity of two weeks or more is subject to removal
Mayor: Trist95
Second in Command: @WitchOnaRampage
Third in Command: TBA
Managers: @Eldrylars, @yeelowsnow, @MariusAbyssal
At this time, CobbleDumperTon is not actively recruiting. If you desire to fill out an application, please do not be offended if we do not respond, but respond to someone elses. Exceptions to this may include old friends or exceptional players, and/or other reasons.
Age | Ages 14+ perfered
Location and Time Zone |
How long have you been whitelisted | You must be whitelisted for three months to apply
Previous Towns |
Why did you leave (if applicable) |
Why do you want to join CobbleDumperTon |
Why would CobbleDumperTon want you |
Do you have TeamSpeak and a mic |
Tell us about yourself |
How did you hear about CobbleDumperTon |
Who are the leaders of CobbleDumperTon |
Referrals |
By applying you accept all our rules and understand that breaking them may be grounds for dismissal. We reserve the right to accept players who may not meet our requirement, or deny players who we do not believe are a right fit. Town hoppers and people who apply for multiple towns will most likely be denied.
Member List:
1. @Ahrall
2. @BaBomba
3. @BrusLi44
4. @DuskWolfMC
5. @Faunherer
6. @GoldenBoy204420
7. @Gwiz221
8. @Leo2596
9. @MarvinYoung
10. @Midnight_Storm67
11. @Naxet91
12. @OctaviusYoung
13. @Oudaiesty
14. @prohhmetheus
15. @Turbo4000
16. @Devin52992
17. @Irishman81
18. @leftovers5
19. @northeaster345
20. @noslon
21. @whiteninja1970
22. @yeelowsnow
23. @Eldrylars
24. @WitchOnaRampage
25. @MariusAbyssal
26. @Trist95
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