Legacy Supporter 6
- Joined
- Feb 17, 2013

Owner: Pampita
Founder: Air_Restraint ( Part of EmberHollow, But still runs Altum with Pampita)
SIC: Sourful
Location: X 1849 Y -919
Signatures: Air_Restraint, Mgrant1, Cat_8898, Duh374, Pietro
- You must pay a weekly tax of 30c
- NO killing any town members OR allies.
- No stealing from town members.
- Keep your chests blocked on top so raiders can't get in them. Don't unblock chests that aren't yours. If a door's blocked, keep it blocked.
- Defend the town when needed.
- Do not build outside of your plot. Do not build anywhere in or nearby the town without permission.
- Do not mine within 250 blocks of the city.
- If you miss paying taxes for 3 weeks, you will be removed. Notify us if you're planning to be away for a prolonged period.
- Type properly in the chat. Don't be annoying in-game or in TeamSpeak, we'll kick you out of chat.
- Respect your fellow citizens. Do not attack them, enter their houses without permission, or go through their chests. There is a no tolerance policy for stealing and you will be kicked from town immediately.
- Keyword: Airlovesyouall
ANY Freeperz
Anyone who is not allied.
How long have you been playing on Herocraft:
Combat Class/Level:
Profesion Class/Level:
Previous towns:
Do you have teamspeak:
Do you have a working mic:
How active are you:
Why do you want to join Altum:
What can you bring to the town:
What is the Keyword:
Looking for a town?, Join altum!