- Minecraft IGN:Super593
- Position applying for: Guide
- Age|Timezone:18/EST
- How long have you been on Herocraft?:Since Dragongarde, I think that's like 4-5 years?
- Why do you think you would make a good guide?:I think I would be a good guide because I've worked with newbies from time to time and sometimes go out of my way to help them grind or understand things when their in the tutorial, I think I can really help out new people because I'm around at times most staff may or may not be around and have a pretty flexible schedule. So I think I'd be able to contribute to herocraft better as a Guide on the server. I honestly want to be one because I also tend to be around whenever there's more people joining for the first time in the earlier hours of the day.
- Additional info you would like to tell us?Modded on 1 MC server b4. Besides that N/A