Alright! I guess it's time for the Pietro to join in. Sofa_King...I'm pretty sure you were around when I first joined the server. When I first came in, I was constantly complaining about getting ganked...To the point of having to get off for a few hours and then coming back. Bastion was where I learned HC is filled with, you said it...filth

Haven! A great new map...and a great new start. This map I was able to win me a town because the old mayor went missing and the town nearly went under....After paying off 2 missing payments and the newer tax for the town, I finally had my own town to play with...Didn't last long however....I gained many allies but soon I lost my town because people would rather complain about villians rather than joining a team to stop them...Haven is where I learned even the heroes were filth, along with the villians.
And here we are now, Aegis and Sanctuary....We have pve and pvp where the gankers can gank and peaceful players can enjoy their peace. I've learned to calm down, to not try to play hero, to troll and be trolled and possibly make a better name of myself to the admins/mods. I hope to get on the team and grow further to helping out the community and it's owners and maybe someday, the Mighty Pietro will be a mod himself

....Years down the road...xD.
I wonder how many of you lovelies will be ecstatic about that
