As some of you know, I've been having some problems irl (Uncle got diagnosed with cancer last year, we found out today he only has 1/2 weeks left :/, and school just started) as well as conflicts with various members in the community here, so I've decided to take a break for a week or two. The time really depends when my uncles funeral is (I live in Ohio, It will be in NY), but I just want to stay away from everything online in general. I might occasionally get on the forums, but probably not in-game.
As some of you know, I've been having some problems irl (Uncle got diagnosed with cancer last year, we found out today he only has 1/2 weeks left :/, and school just started) as well as conflicts with various members in the community here, so I've decided to take a break for a week or two. The time really depends when my uncles funeral is (I live in Ohio, It will be in NY), but I just want to stay away from everything online in general. I might occasionally get on the forums, but probably not in-game.