World domination? I think so.
Nah, they're just practicing for their
inevitable departure...
Today's topic is:
Human Stupidity
A few years back a study was done to see the average person's knowledge of basic facts. the Results were quite surprising:
- What is the historical significance of July 4th?
55% - Day the Declaration of Independence was signed.
32% - Independence day
1% - Birth of the United States
6% - Other
6% - No opinion
(This means that 45% of Americans don't know the meaning of our most important holiday* and 13% have absolutely no idea what they're talking about)
- What country did America gain its independence from?
76% - Britain
2% - France
3% - Other (Including Russia, China, and Mexico)
19% - No opinion
(This means that 24% of Americans don't know about who we won the war with thad made us a country)
- Does the Earth revolve around the sun or vice versa?
79% - Earth around the sun
18% - Sun around the Earth
3% - No opinion
(21%... wow -.-')
Now it's understandable that you wouldn't know the first two if you aren't a US citizen but otherwise that's really quite sad. If you didn't know one of these before then you're one of today's
lucky 10,000, Congratulations!
Oh, and speaking of human stupidity, If you haven't heard of the
Darwin Awards they're pretty great...